Cleaning Guides

How to Clean Window Tracks

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Washing your window tracks is just as important as having clean windows. They give your home that neat final touch. However, they are one of the most forgotten spots when cleaning.

Whether you keep your windows closed or you open them frequently, dirt, dust, spider webs, and all sorts of grime will get inside the tracks, making them hard to maintain. If left uncleaned for a long time, they can become difficult to open. 

In this guide, you will learn how to effectively clean your window tracks in no time, as well as how to maintain them.

How to clean window tracks

Whether you’re moving, have a rental inspection on the way, or they got so dirty that it’s noticeable from far away – either way, you will have to clean them. Here’s what you will require to clean your window tracks.

What you need:

  • A screwdriver (or another item with a similar shape)
  • A vacuum cleaner(if needed)
  • Water
  • Baking soda
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • A spray bottle
  • An old toothbrush
  • A paper towel or a cloth

Now, after you’ve gathered all the needed tools and ingredients, here’s how to properly clean your tracks.

Step 1. Clean up loose dirt

Begin by removing any hard-to-reach loose dirt. Wrap a cloth around a screwdriver (or similar item) and slide it through the whole track. 

Alternatively, you can try sucking it up with a vacuum cleaner. Use the attachment hose to get into those hard-to-reach places.

Step 2. Apply baking soda and vinegar

Sprinkle baking soda all over the dirty window track. Then mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the bi-carb soda. Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes. Make sure you don’t use too much vinegar, as you may make a bigger mess.

Step 3. Scrub thoroughly

Using an old toothbrush, scrub the whole window track. Work your way from the corners towards the middle. This should remove all the grime that’s been stuck in the tracks.

Step 4. Wipe it off

After scrubbing, wipe the dirt away with a paper towel or a clean cloth.

Step 5. Repeat (if necessary)

If you notice that your window tracks are not perfectly clean after completing the process, simply repeat all of the steps until all of the grime is gone.

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How to maintain your window tracks

To save yourself time and energy, clean your window tracks every time you do a general cleaning of your home or when you do a seasonal window cleaning. If your windows are tinted, you can use a leftover cleaning solution on your tracks. A simple wipe with soapy water will keep them in top shape. The more often you do simple cleaning, the less elbow grease you’ll have to put in later on.

Hire a professional

If you lack enough time or willpower to clean your window tracks, you can always give Fantastic Services a call. Take advantage of our window cleaning service. The specialists we work with are experienced and well-trained. No stress and no hassle. Spend your free time with your family while we tackle the dirty work.

Book your professional window cleaning service today!

Let the window cleaners from Fantastic Services take care of your dirty windows and tracks.

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  • Window tracks are one of the most forgotten places when cleaning your home.
  • Regular maintenance of your window tracks will save you time and energy in the future.
  • Baking soda mixed with vinegar is a great all-around cleaning agent that will help you battle the dirty window tracks.

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