Cleaning Guides

How to Store Christmas Trees Even Without a Box

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As the festive season winds down, you might encounter a familiar scenario: you’re taking down the tinsel, carefully stowing away the baubles, and, alas, the Christmas tree box is nowhere to be found. For many Australians, the summer heat intensifies the challenge, adding an extra layer of complexity to the post-holiday cleanup.

Not to worry, though, as this post will show you how to store a Christmas tree without relying on a box.

Preparing your tree

Ensuring your artificial Christmas tree is well-prepared for storage is key to maintaining its longevity. Here’s a concise guide covering essential steps that you should always follow after Christmas is over:

Removing ornaments for optimal storage

While leaving ornaments on might save time, it can lead to damage and unnecessary space consumption in storage. Not to mention the dust buildup, which there’ll be plenty of. So, take a few extra moments to remove the ornaments carefully. Mind you, don’t just throw them in a box and leave them. There are proper ways how to store Christmas decorations, such as choosing the right containers, implementing a labelling system, and using bubble wrap or tissue paper for padding.


If your tree is of the disassembling kind, handle each section with care. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions, paying special attention to delicate branches. The longevity of your artificial tree is one of the reasons you chose it over a real one, so disassemble it with that in mind.

It’s generally a good idea to dismantle a fake Christmas tree before cleaning it. This allows you to clean each component more thoroughly and ensures that you reach all the nooks and crannies.


Prior to storage, give your tree a thorough cleaning. The process involves dusting off loose debris, addressing stains with mild detergent or vinegar solutions, and using rubbing alcohol for stubborn dirt. Avoid full immersion in water and instead spot clean with a damp cloth to preserve the tree’s structure. There’s plenty more to do at this stage, so check our guide on cleaning and maintaining artificial trees.

Protective wrapping techniques

Consider various materials like old sheets, shrink wrap, or acid-free paper for protective wrapping. Here is what you should know about each:

  • Old sheets from cotton, linen, or other fabric-based sheets are breathable and can provide a gentle barrier against dust. They’re reusable and come in various sizes, making them versatile for different tree dimensions;
  • Shrink wrap is a plastic film that tightens when heat is applied. It offers an airtight seal around the tree, protecting it from dust and moisture. It’s transparent, allowing for easy identification of the tree, and provides a snug fit that helps maintain the tree’s shape;
  • Acid-free paper is a paper with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. Acid-free paper helps maintain the integrity of the tree itself by preventing yellowing or deterioration. This is particularly relevant for high-quality artificial trees that might be susceptible to discolouration over time.

Now that you know the materials, you need to know how to store artificial trees without damage, so here’s a quick guide:

  1. Remove ornaments and decorations so you avoid breakage and facilitate a smooth wrapping process;
  2. Evaluate the tree’s dimensions to determine the right amount of wrapping material needed;
  3. Start wrapping from the top and work your way down, wrapping each branch individually. Ensure a snug fit without excessive tightness to maintain the tree’s shape;
  4. For fragile branches, add extra padding or support to preserve intricate details and prevent breakage;
  5. For disassembling trees, label or colour-code each wrapped section for a simplified reassembly process;
  6. After wrapping, store the tree in a dry, cool place to prevent potential moisture-related damage.

Innovative Christmas tree storing methods

Now let’s explore some Christmas tree storage ideas that will keep the tree in top-notch condition. Before you consider the following options, however, let’s first discuss the questions many people ask.

“What is the easiest way to store a Christmas tree?” and “Is it better to store a Christmas tree in a bag or box?”. Well, while your artificial tree may have arrived in a cardboard box, relying on it for storage isn’t the best choice. Cardboard can get damp and might attract unwanted visitors like mice. On the other hand, a dedicated Christmas tree storage bag provides a more secure and protective option for keeping your tree in optimal condition until the next holiday season. Once you have that, you can use the following methods.

Upright storage method

Storing your Christmas tree upright offers a space-saving solution while preserving its shape.

  1. Clear the space – Begin by selecting an area against a wall or near rafters where your tree can stand upright without obstructions. Clear the space to avoid any potential damage during the storage process;
  2. Prevent shifts – Place a soft barrier, like old sheets or foam, between the tree and the wall to prevent scratches;
  3. Secure the tree – Position the tree in an upright stance, making sure it stands securely. Use tree straps or ties to fasten it against the wall or rafters. Use additional ties or hooks to secure the top section to the wall as well.

Hanging storage method

This effective technique not only maximises floor space but also guarantees your tree’s safety until its next grand entrance.

  1. Choose sturdy beams – Identify sturdy beams or structural elements in your storage area that can support the weight of the tree. These beams must be well-anchored and capable of withstanding the load of the fake tree;
  2. Select strong hooks or straps – Purchase robust hooks or heavy-duty straps designed for load-bearing purposes. Make sure they are securely anchored to the beams, providing a reliable hanging point;
  3. Wrap the tree – Before hanging, ensure the wrapping is tight so it will maintain the tree’s shape and protect it during storage;
  4. Attach hooks or straps – Position the hooks or straps evenly around the wrapped tree, distributing the weight. Adjust the height to prevent the tree from touching the floor, reducing the risk of damage.

DIY storage solutions

If you’re into DIY projects, you can craft custom supports or frames using easily accessible materials like PVC pipes or wooden planks.

  1. Gather materials – Collect PVC pipes, wooden planks, or any other sturdy materials that can be fashioned into supports. Ensure the dimensions match your tree’s size and the available storage space;
  2. Measure and cut – Carefully measure and cut the materials according to your tree’s specifications. This step ensures a snug and secure fit, accommodating the unique spaces within your home;
  3. Assemble and support – Assemble the materials into custom supports or frames, tailored to cradle your Christmas tree. Position the supports strategically, optimising space while providing a protective structure for your tree.


  • Taking a few extra moments to carefully remove ornaments before storage prevents damage and unnecessary space consumption;
  • Disassembling a fake Christmas tree before cleaning allows for thorough cleaning of each component, reaching all nooks and crannies;
  • Prior to storage, give the tree a thorough cleaning that involves dusting off debris, addressing stains with mild solutions, and using rubbing alcohol for stubborn dirt.
  • Use materials like old sheets, shrink wrap, or acid-free paper for protective wrapping;
  • Avoid cardboard and opt for dedicated Christmas tree storage bags for better protection.

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