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Pest Issues
Common Bathroom Pests and How to Get Rid of Them
- Published: Mar 24/2021
- Last update: Aug 07/2024Array
- 7min read
- Views: 5,470
Ironically, the bathroom is one of the most pest-infested rooms in the household. Other high-risk areas are the kitchen and bedroom. Whether we’re talking about flies, cockroaches, spiders, or silverfish – it is not uncommon to find one or more of these little creatures hiding in your bathroom.
Just because you may not have noticed them, doesn’t mean they are not there. But fret not – we’re here to help identify the most common bathroom bugs you are dealing with and give you some tips on how to get rid of them.
Unfortunately, they can, and this is one of the easiest ways for some pests to get into your bathroom. This is especially true for cockroaches, which can spread all sorts of dangerous bacteria and dirt that belong only in the sewer.
Other tiny bugs like the drain fly, on the other hand, can also use the drain to procreate. The good news, though, is that spiders cannot gain entry to your home through drains.
Let’s round up the usual suspects. After all, identifying the enemy is the first important step to successfully removing it from your home.
There are two things that cockroaches love most and those are food and moisture. Therefore, a cockroach infestation most likely forms in the two places of the house that provide both – the kitchen and the bathroom.
Encountering cockroaches in the bathroom is very common and one of the effective ways to deal with them is to inspect and fix any leaking faucets that could be keeping your bathroom constantly wet and humid.
Humid rooms offer cockroaches the perfect environment for breeding. It’s warm and close to all the water they will ever need. Drains can serve as an entrance to the bathroom and from there to the rest of the home, too.
So, remember not to leave the drain open (if possible) and to keep an eye on corners, nooks and crannies, cabinets and pretty much any other area that can help this pest hide.
Humidity and paper are the perfect combinations for silverfish to thrive. Your bathroom usually offers an ample supply of both. This means there is a high chance of finding silverfish in the room at any given time.
The flat silver bug is easily recognisable, but it could be hard to notice it as it is not very big. The fact that it moves very quickly can be also a problem in case you decide to catch or kill one of them.
Similar to cockroaches, the silver bug also likes to breed in dark and humid places, usually in areas, which are hard to reach. If you commonly notice a silverfish in your bathroom or there is visible paper damage, then your home is likely infested.
Centipedes also share the love of moisture with many of the other bathroom bugs. Once the centipede gets inside your home, it will usually make its way either to the bathroom or the basement. It will live and procreate in a domestic environment that is low on light and rich in moisture.
The many legs are one of the most distinguishable features of the centipede. Since it is a nocturnal myriapod, it may be hard to spot the little creature and know that your home is infested. Centipedes can sting, but normally their poison is not harmful to people. The sting of certain species, though, may cause some complications.
Drain flies are a real thing and as the name suggests, the drain is where they live and breed. All the filth and bacteria that can be found in there does not bother them. On the contrary – they thrive in it. If not there, then contaminated soil – anything that would usually be considered a potential health hazard to us is perfect for them.
Not to be confused with fruit flies, though, which can also be found breeding in bathrooms. The drain flies are tiny flying bugs with dark-coloured “furry” bodies. The fruit fly, on the other hand, is light in colour and some species even have distinguishable red eyes.
Unlike roaches and other bugs, spiders would rarely want to be in your bathroom. If you find one (or several) there, they were probably stranded in an accident. They’re castaways, which are most likely trying to escape your restroom, hiding in the corners.
Spiders don’t need the moisture the same way other insects do. Their arachnid ways involve hunting and rarely relying on the environment for sustenance. This should put your mind at ease – spiders are not coming out of your drains.
No matter what type of pest you have noticed in the bath and how unpleasant it may seem to deal with it, there is no need to worry. We have listed some simple ways to rid of bathroom pests and minimise the chance of facing them again
Strange as it may sound, leaks are among the top reasons why you might suffer a pest infestation at home. When there’s a leak, it translates into easy access to water for all kinds of unwanted crawling guests. Anything from cockroaches to centipedes and the likes favour moisture and will find a way to get to it.
So definitely check your bathroom for leaks and fix them as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the problem, you may need some professional assistance at some point. So, do not think twice about calling a plumber, who can quickly fix the problem and prevent further troubles, whether with pests or plumbing.
Every bathroom has tons of residue. Whether it’s soap, filth, or something else – there’s always harmful things collecting in and around the drain. And pests will inevitably feel attracted to it.
In addition to the drain, the sink and the shower are the other bathroom areas that are mostly at risk. The solution is to thoroughly clean the entire room on a regular basis, removing soap scum and other dirt in the process.
Whether you use homemade natural cleaners or chemical products, chances are that along with the dirt you will also eliminate the eggs of the pests. Do that, and you’ll definitely reduce the chance of something crawling out of your drain or making it a breeding point again.
As we’ve already mentioned many times, humidity is bad as it attracts most pests. Therefore, it needs to be limited as much as possible. Naturally, a strategically placed dehumidifier is one of the best solutions to the problem. These devices can successfully reduce the humidity in your bathroom and any other place in the house, making the area a lot less hospitable for pests.
It will also help if you leave your bathroom to dry naturally after use, so moisture does not remain trapped inside. You can leave a window or a door open to let any steam out. Even if you don’t have a pest problem now, this will help prevent having one in the future.
Since the drain and crevices appear to be mostly used by the bathroom bugs, then the solution is simple. Leave the drain open only when showering or cleaning the areas. For the rest of the time, especially at night, it is best to remain closed even covered with something.
Also, check and fix any cracks in the tiles or cabinet holes, so there is no place for the pests to hide. Inspect regularly as constant use will leave its mark on your bathroom.
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