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Condensation on Windows: What It Is and How To Stop It
- Published: Nov 08/2021
- Last update: Sep 02/2024Array
- 8min read
- Views: 1,561
In this post, we will take a look at how to stop condensation on windows in winter. Australia has usually been portrayed as a warm sunny corner of the world in media, but we do get our fair share of cold. And condensation is the bane that comes with the colder months of the year. You wake up every morning and you dread to lift the curtains. You know you will see a million droplets that unite forces to form miniature rivers that have the power to destroy walls and develop biohazards in your own home.
So let’s see how to stop condensation on windows because if left unchecked, it can lead to ghastly mould growth, unsightly discolouration and property damage. Not to mention the health risks.
What causes condensation on windows can be boiled down to temperature differences. Consider the following. The air in, say, your bedroom contains water molecules. Inside, it’s all warm and cosy. But it’s cold outside. So the glass of your windows becomes cold as well. Now the water molecules of the warm air come in contact with a smooth cold surface. So the water in gas form (vapour) is brought back to a liquid state. The molecules accumulate on the cold surface until they form visible droplets. The result is condensation on the inside of windows.
Essentially, condensation is the opposite process of evaporation. But the real question is exactly what causes condensation at your place! So let’s take a look at the underlying conditions that might be present in your home.
Now let’s take a look at some of the main measures that you can take on how to stop condensation on windows in winter. Australia has cool winters so a temperature imbalance is already at play. And keep in mind that indoor condensation on glass is a complex problem caused by various factors and underlying conditions specific to the property so you need to employ various window condensation solutions and improvements. So it has to be tackled from all sides.
On the subject of how to stop condensation on the inside of windows, let’s consider the measures you can take to stop or at least minimise the accumulation of droplets.
As the days get colder, change the setting of your humidifiers or completely shut them off if necessary to reduce the condensation on the inside of windows.
Usually, condensation on the inside is such a problem that we rarely consider what is going on on the other side. But condensation on the outside of the window also occurs. This usually happens when chilly nights are followed by warmer sunny days. Again, high humidity and little wind can be contributing factors.
However, don’t be alarmed as this is something related to your local weather and climate. It’s not a sign that there is something wrong with your windows. In case it bothers you, you can take the time to wipe your windows from the outside with a dry cloth. You can also resort to applying some water repellent. It works the same way as when used on cars when it rains.
Opt-in for a professional window cleaning by a local specialist!
It’s a bit ironic that we have to delve into how to stop condensation on double-glazed windows. Because double glazed windows are supposed to be great against condensation due to their construction. The frame holds two separate glass panes. The tight space between the panes is insulated so no air (and moisture) can get inside. This simple yet brilliant construction in itself acts as insulation and that is why double-glazed windows don’t get as much condensation as single panes.
If you notice that condensation is forming in the space between the glass panes, then the integrity of your double-glazed windows has been compromised. Maybe something went wrong during manufacturing. If they were recently installed, you should contact your contractor immediately to see what can be done.
If you are on your own, here are some ideas on how to stop condensation on double-glazed windows in winter. There are some things that you can try to temporarily solve the problem.
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