Your Insect Pest Control Service in 4 steps
The Fantastic Insect Pest Control Specialists Have a Licence to Exterminate
That is right. Fantastic Services can provide you with your personal James Bond in pest control. Flying pests, creepy crawlies or blood-sucking bugs will pose no problem to the experienced exterminators.
A living creature can be a pest in one country, a rarity in another, or a welcome delicacy in a third geographical location. Australian climate offers a favourable environment for a number of insects to flourish. They are considered pests at the backdrop of human habitats, especially when a manageable symbiotic existence becomes an out-of-proportion pest infestation.
So whether termites are jeopardising the very structure of your home, fleas are making your family scratch all day long or aggressive wasps have claimed your porch by building a nest - there is no need to suffer the adverse effects.
It’s A Straightforward Insect Removal Process with Us
The pest control technicians will arrive at your property and inspect the site of infestation. The appropriate treatment will be applied and if necessary a pest management plan will be drawn that may include a follow-up visit.
Be sure to use our one-off cleaning service afterwards, as well as carpet steam cleaning. And to prevent the pests from coming back - we can offer you our regular domestic cleaning service. Also, don't forget that Fantastic Services provides rodent pest control services as well so no matter the problem - we got you covered.

The Specialist Pest Controllers Know Their Bugs, So You Don’t Need To
The Fantastic insect pest controll specialists will treat and remove successfully the following pests:
- Ants - A powdered insecticide is used to put a stop to a destructive ant invasion of your home.
- Bed bugs - our bed bug control service includes 2 professional visits.
- Bees & wasps - You can go about your business, while the pest controllers remove/destroy the beehive or wasp nest that disturbs your daily activities.
- Beetle borers - Wood boring beetles can destroy timber structures before you know it. Professional beetle control and treatment is a must.
- Centipedes - A rising centipede population is controlled by a combination of chemical and nonchemical solutions.
- Cockroaches - One or two cockroaches may offer some entertainment for your cat. However, this is rarely the case with you. The disease-transmitting insects breed fast and are a health hazard in the waiting. The cockroach controllers will get rid of them promtly.
- Dust mites - These invisible pests are some of the most common house allergens, so dust mite control may provide a comprehensive relief for the asthma sufferer.
- Fleas - Pets are not the only cause for a flea infestation. You may well need a mice removal expert along with your flea control treatment.
- Flies - Physical barriers, like fly screens, are not always a sufficient measure against flies pestering you and contaminating everything they touch.
- Millipedes - These little critters will feed on timber wood, hence infestation problems need to be addressed.
- Mosquitos - We all put up with the odd mosquito bite every year. But when your home has been invaded by the little vampires, firm control measures are recommended.
- Moths - Fumigation is rarely required for the removal of a moth infestation. The Fantastic pros will deal with the moths in one visit and save your carpets and clothes.
- Silverfish - These pests are not just outright creepy. They can destroy some of your valuable belongings like antique books or clothing.
- Scorpions - Aussie scorpions are not all that lethal, but their poison can cause an allergic reaction. An UV light can be used to catch the creature if hidden in a dark place and then, the technician will remove it back to the wild.
- Spiders - The reaction to the venomous bite of some Australian spiders can differ. Do not try to remove the arachnid yourself.
- Termites & woodworm - DIY treatments usually fail, when it comes to timber eating insects. Termite control and woodworm extermination require expertise in applying the right and the most effective solutions.