Detailed End of Lease Cleaning Service in Altona

In only 30 seconds you can book a professional vacate cleaning service.

  • Have your whole property cleaned from top to bottom
  • The team stays as long as it takes to complete your service to your liking
  • Rely on a 100% bond cleaning guarantee
  • If your landlord isn't satisfied, request a FREE re-clean!
Enter your postcode

Online and app-based booking make setting your service easy


View real-time availability

Explore your options and choose a time for your professional cleaners to arrive.

Get a free fixed quote

View the fixed price of your end-of-lease cleaning in Altona online or give us a call.

Finalise your appointment

Choose the right time and know that your deep cleaning session is all set to go.

Vacate your property

They don't call it "vacate cleaning" for nothing! Make sure your property is empty of possessions.

Why trust us for your end of lease cleaning in Altona?

Enjoy a guaranteed standard of service and a FREE re-clean to back it up!

  • Get complete peace of mind - Our 100% bond cleaning guarantee gives you a free extra appointment if your landlord isn't satisfied.
  • Total satisfaction guaranteed - Your service isn't limited in time. If it takes longer to get the job done, your appointment will last for longer.
  • Complete end of lease cleaning checklist followed - We've worked with some of the top property agents to ensure our end of tenancy cleaning checklist covers all key areas.
  • No hidden costs - Start off with a free and fixed quote so you always know exactly where you stand on price.
  • Unparalleled precision - Our professionally trained and highly experienced cleaners leave no stone unturned to guarantee the return of your full bond.
  • A trusted partner for property management - Be it landlords, agents, or tenants, we cater to all with our efficient property end of lease cleaning solutions.
end of lease cleaning

What to expect from your end of lease cleaning in Altona

Enjoy no hidden costs and a full guarantee with your move-out cleaning

Set up your end of lease cleaning appointment quickly and easily online. You need to remove personal belongings from the property and make sure electricity and water are turned on.

All teams operating in Altona arrive fully equipped with everything necessary for thorough and satisfactory move-out cleaning service. They will address every single part of your property - kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, hallways and more - and will stay as long as necessary to ensure your landlord or property manager is completely satisfied.


If the property is furnished, the cleaners will clean and polish all appliances. Refrigerators will be wiped down, and the oven will be cleaned in detail with special attention. All tile surfaces, countertops, kitchen cabinets, and the sink will be scrubbed, and finally, the floor will be meticulously mopped.


A special focus will be placed on the bathroom, toilet, and laundry room. Our team of professionals will use powerful descaling detergents to remove hard-to-remove limescale and mould build-up and polish the sink, taps, bathtub, shower cabin, fittings, toilet, and mirrors.


Cleaning services will include vacuuming all bedrooms, dusting, polishing, and shining every surface in your home. The windows in every room on the property can also be washed upon request. Also, polishing of window sills and frames is included.

Living room and hallway cleaning

Our Fantastic cleaners will vacuum and mop all floors, clean and polish all surfaces, clean built-in cabinets and wardrobes, wipe skirting boards, remove spider webs, and wipe doors, door frames, and light switches.

Get the extra attention your property needs for total end of lease cleaning in Altona

Carpet steam cleaning

Sometimes vacuum cleaning doesn't cut it. Ensure your professional cleaners use specialist steam carpet cleaning equipment and techniques to deeply cleanse your property's flooring fabric.

Outside window cleaning

Get the exteriors of your property's windows cleaned at the same time as the interiors (this latter is included in your standard bond back cleaning). Rely on thorough cleaning from trained professionals.

Wall spot cleaning

Say goodbye to this common worry over the state of your property by ensuring the walls are cleaned to remove things like little handprints, signs of pets, and other markings.

Blinds cleaning

Vacate cleaning of some properties shouldn't be finished without making sure the blinds have had ingrained dirt as well as dust removed from in between each individual slat. Combine this with your end of lease cleaning and be sure that your property is thoroughly cleaned.


jobs done


bonds returned


average property size


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Bond cleaning quotes from Altona:

Small apartment

Altona VIC Feb 19, 2024
Need a double-bedroom flat cleaned for a bond back. There is a carpet in each bedroom. It's located in 3018. Can I get a quote?

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

2 Bedroom Unit

Altona VIC Mar 19, 2024
Hello, I need end of lease cleaning for a double bedroom place, as well as carpet cleaning. There's also a balcony. Can you give a quote?

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

3 Bedroom House

Altona VIC May 18, 2024
We need cleaning of a 3-bedroom house with carpets in bedrooms, 2 tiled bathrooms and 1 living room. How much will it cost?

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Altona cost?

$615 is the average cost of bond cleaning performed in Altona.

Approximately 45% of our Altona customers choose to join our Fantastic Club to save money.

Average duration of a move out cleaning in Altona is 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Most commonly end of lease cleaning is combined with pest control services.

$310 $615 $795

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Check prices and availability in Altona

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Altona VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3018

Need to get your bond back? Book end of lease cleaning in Altona that guarantees it.