Certified End of Lease Cleaning Pros in Bayswater

Professional vacate cleaning services in Bayswater with a 100% bond back guarantee!

  • Quick online booking available every day of the week!
  • All equipment and detergents provided!
  • Experienced and insured end of lease cleaners!
  • Flexible booking slots, including weekends & public holidays
Enter your postcode

Book your bond cleaning services online


Fill in your postcode

Input your location into the booking form and proceed to the next step to schedule your move out cleaning service.

Share with us the information needed

Share some information about the size of your rental property and add any extra jobs that you need assistance with.

Select a time and date

Once you tell us your requirements, proceed with creating a Fantastic account, in order to select the most suitable day for your appointment.

And you're done

Finish your booking, then sit back and relax! The end of lease cleaning experts will arrive, fully equipped and ready to get to work!

Why opt for our end of lease cleaning service in Bayswater?

When booking a vacate thorough cleaning with Fantastic Services, you get more than just a perfect cleaning service!

  • Top-quality cleaning products - We employ industry-grade cleaning products, supplies, and equipment for optimal results.
  • Guaranteed satisfaction - Our service isn't based on hourly rates. The team will stay until everything is cleaned up to the highest standards.
  • Available 7 days a week - Our end of lease cleaning service operates every day, including weekends and public holidays.
  • Environmentally friendly cleaning methods - We always try to employ eco-friendly cleaning methods only, using chemical-free detergents and specialised equipment.
  • Discounted prices - Enjoy exclusive perks with our Fantastic Club, such as premium time slots, special rates and credits towards future bookings.
  • Peace of mind - Let us know within 72 hours if you or your landlord are unhappy with the results, and we will come back to re-clean for free.
End of lease cleaning

Check out how our end of lease cleaning in Bayswater works

Our professional cleaners will follow the REA-approved lease cleaning checklist to guarantee your bond back!

Kitchen cleaning

The exit cleaning team will start with your kitchen, wiping down the counters, shelves, and cupboards. Special attention will be given to the kitchen appliances, including deep cleaning of the oven using professional-grade detergents to remove grease build-up. If desired, they can also clean the fridge and freezer.

Bathroom cleaning

For the bathroom, our experts will conduct a deep clean of the walls, floor tiles, shower screen, bathtub, toilet, and all fittings using powerful detergents. Additionally, they'll wipe down all cupboards inside and out, polish mirrors, sinks, and all surfaces, and finish by mopping the floor.

Bedrooms cleaning

Our cleaners will thoroughly vacuum the bedrooms and proceed to dust and polish shelves, light fixtures, skirting boards, doorknobs, and any furniture. Afterward, we'll ensure the interior windows are clean and clear by polishing them, including cleaning the window sills and frames.

Living room and hallway cleaning

Every surface in your living room or dining area will receive thorough dusting and wiping, including cleaning mirrors and light fixtures. Carpeted areas will be vacuumed, while tiled floors will be mopped using specialised cleaning solutions. We'll ensure cobwebs are removed and light switches are wiped down for a comprehensive clean.

Other cleaning services you can bundle up with your end of lease cleaning in Bayswater

Carpet cleaning

Getting stains on a carpet is simple, but removing them isn't. No worries, we're here to assist! Through our hot water extraction method, we guarantee deeply cleaned, sanitised, and refreshed carpets and rugs, meeting the cleanliness standards your landlord will appreciate.


We can schedule a handyman to visit your rental property and handle various fix-up and maintenance tasks before you leave. They'll come equipped with all the necessary tools and basic materials like plugs, nuts, and bolts. Our skilled technicians are highly qualified and experienced, offering same-day service if urgent issues need immediate attention.

Rubbish removal

For garden waste disposal or a thorough rental property clean-up, our rubbish removal service is ideal. We'll load the rubbish into the truck and ensure the area is swept and left as clean as can be after collection. This eco-friendly service includes loading, transportation, and disposal, prioritising recycling wherever possible.

Tile and grout cleaning

Allow us to assist you with tile and grout cleaning! Rely on our expertise as we scrub your tiled surfaces. Using professional cleaning solutions and equipment, we'll ensure effective removal of limescale, mould, and grime while restoring the original beauty of your flooring and walls.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Bayswater:

1-bedroom property

Bayswater VIC Jul 07, 2024
Hi, I need a quote for exit cleaning after moving out. In the rental property, there's 1 bedroom, 1 study, and 1 bathroom. No bad condition. Do you have available slots for ea
rly next week?
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Bayswater VIC Jun 01, 2024
Please advise the cost of an end of tenancy cleaning in Bayswater. The property is a 2 bed 1 bathroom town apartment. Please let me know if steam cleaning is normally included
as part of the end of tenancy cleaning service. Please also advise what specific cleaning items are excluded.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Bayswater VIC Jan 11, 2024
Hi there! I’m looking for deposit back guarantee cleaning for a double bedroom rental property along with carpet cleaning. Carpets only in the bedrooms. There's also a small
study. Can you give a prise beforehand? Waiting for your response.
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning Bayswater cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Bayswater is $595.

About 42% of our clients, on average, join the Fantastic Club to save on costs.

Most common properties in Bayswater have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is commonly paired with carpet steam cleaning.

$256 $595 $870

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Bayswater bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Bayswater VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Book guaranteed end of lease cleaning services in Bayswater today!