Professional End of Lease Cleaning Services in Beaconsfield

Book our bond cleaning services online and have peace of mind knowing that you'll get your bond back!

  • A bond back guarantee within 72 hours!
  • Locally-based and friendly professional cleaners!
  • All equipment and detergents provided!
  • Flexible booking slots, available on weekends and public holidays!
Enter your postcode

Schedule your end of lease cleaning online quickly and easily


Enter your postcode

This will allow us to swiftly identify local vacate cleaning professionals near your location.

Share your move-out cleaning needs

Please, tell us some details about the size of the rental unit and any other specific cleaning requests you might have.

What time would be good for you?

Select a time slot that will suit you! We are available seven days a week, including public holidays, and there are no extra charges!

Finish your booking

Pay securely online and leave the rest to us! We'll assign a professional cleaning team near you to come and complete the task.

The benefits of our vacate cleaning in Beaconsfield

Benefit from the number of perks our vacate cleaning service in Beaconsfield has to offer!

  • Service, not limited in time - The seasoned lease cleaners will stay on-site until the job is done and you are satisfied with the level of cleanliness!
  • Advanced cleaning products - Professional cleaning equipment and high-quality detergents are used in the cleaning process to ensure top-notch results.
  • Reasonable rates - You'll be charged a fixed cost, quoted before your bond cleaning service starts, with no hidden fees.
  • Easy booking procedures - You'll get a free quote whenever you get in touch by phone or chat 24/7.
  • Peace of mind - If you or your landlord is dissatisfied with the results, contact us within 72 hours, and we'll provide a free re-clean service.
  • Commercial clients are also invited - Fantastic Services provides commercial vacate cleaning services designed for offices and various other business rental properties.
End of lease cleaning

What to expect from our bond back cleaning service in Beaconsfield

The local cleaners continue working until all tasks on the lease cleaning checklist are completed.

Kitchen cleaning

The bond cleaning team will commence with your kitchen. They'll wipe the counters, shelves, and cupboards clean, with special attention given to the kitchen appliances. Upon request, the fridge and freezer can be cleaned as well. Oven deep cleaning is also included in the service, ensuring the removal of grease build-up.

Bathrooms and toilets

The bathroom will receive a detailed cleaning using powerful detergents. The toilet and bathtub will be scrubbed and sanitised. The sink will be deep cleaned, and the vanity cabinet wiped. The mirror will be polished, and all surfaces, including the floor, will be disinfected.

Bedroom cleaning

Our end of lease cleaners will vacuum all the bedrooms and dust, polish, and shine all surfaces. You can also request window washing inside every room in the rental property. They will also polish the window sills and frames.

Living area

Every surface in your living area will be dusted and carefully wiped down. Mirrors and light fixtures will be cleaned, and all carpeted areas will be thoroughly vacuumed. All tiled floors will be mopped using a cleaning solution, spider webs will be dusted off, and light switches will be wiped down.

What additional cleaning services we specialise in and offer in Beaconsfield

Tiles and grout cleaning

Is your rental property fitted with tile flooring throughout? Then, maybe, it's a good idea to order a professional tile and grout cleaning service with us, which is performed by a skilled professional, equipped with an effective hard floor cleaning machine. Your landlord will be genuinely impressed and is likely to return your full deposit.

Blinds cleaning

If you think that your blinds need extra attention and some special care, you can schedule blinds wiping as an additional service to your end of tenancy cleaning. The cleaning professionals will carefully clean and wipe your blinds without detaching them from the windows.


The professional handyman can address various fix-ups and perform maintenance tasks around the house. They can assist you with both interior and exterior work. Depending on the job you need, the professional will come prepared with all the necessary tools and equipment. The specialist can handle the shopping for you, if a specific part is required, ensuring the right materials are purchased.

Gutter cleaning

For both commercial and private properties, this solution involves cleaning and unblocking gutters and downspouts. Using a ladder, your technician will manually remove all leaves and debris build-up. A leaf blower will guarantee that the gutters are thoroughly cleaned and free of debris. All leaves will be bagged and safely disposed of. With this fixed-price service, unlimited in time, you'll save on costly repairs and prevent water overflow from seeping into the woodwork.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Beaconsfield:

2-bedroom unit

Beaconsfield VIC May 12, 2024
Can you please email a lease cleaning cost for end of tenancy service - 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 1 kitchen? Will also need professional carpet cleaning for each of the room
s. Thank you for your time!
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Beaconsfield VIC Jun 30, 2024
Hey, I got a 2-bedroom appartment with 3 carpets in total that need thorough cleaning by the end of the week. 1 Bathroom and 1 kitchen - how much will it cost and what's inclu
ded in your service?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet, Wall Spot cleaning

1-bedroom property

Beaconsfield VIC Jan 15, 2024
I have a 1 bedroom flat with 1 bath and 1 study. The flat needs to be cleaned at the end of the lease agreement including carpet steam cleaning, and window cleaning. All rooms
are carpeted and there are 2 blinds. Wanted to inquire what would be the rates for the sameday and if the cleaning was possible to be done by end of the month.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Beaconsfield cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Beaconsfield is $570.

On average, 42% of our clientele opts to become members of the Fantastic Club to save money.

Most common properties in Beaconsfield have 2 bedrooms.

It's typical for end of lease cleaning to be booked together with pest-proofing and carpet steam cleaning services.

$271 $570 $777

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Beaconsfield bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Beaconsfield VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3807

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Looking to get your bond back? Book our end of lease cleaning service now!