End of Lease Cleaning in Boronia for Landlords and Tenants

Book a vacate cleaning service that will leave a smile on your landlord's face and get your bond back!

  • Thorough cleaning that follows the REA checklists!
  • Weekend and public holiday sessions available!
  • Employing eco-friendly cleaning methods!
  • Enjoy a thorough cleaning of your entire property!
Enter your postcode

Book your end of lease cleaning services hustle-free!


Enter your postcode

Enter your postcode in the booking form on this website or give our GoFantastic mobile app a try.

Give us the details of your service

Simply let us know any specific or extra tasks you require, and we'll include them in our checklist! Ensure the property is emptied before our arrival.

Pick a day and time

Once you tell us your requests, proceed with creating a Fantastic account, in order to pick the most suitable day for your appointment.

Finish your booking

You are all set! You can now securely pay online and await the arrival of our end of lease cleaning professionals at your address.

Why opt for Fantastic Services for your vacate cleaning service?

When booking a vacate cleaning with Fantastic Services, you get more than just a perfect cleaning solution!

  • Non time-limited service - Our service is not hourly based, which means that the team will stay until they have cleaned everything up to standard.
  • Oven cleaning is included - Our vacate cleaning solutions provide a complimentary deep cleaning service for your oven, ensuring convenience at no extra cost.
  • Move-out cleaning for commercial spaces - Feel free to book our vacate cleaning service for your business relocation! Our professional cleaners specialise in commercial exit cleaning too.
  • Fantastic Club benefits - Members of the Fantastic Club will enjoy a range of perks for an entire year, including special rates, premium booking, and credits for future services.
  • A service that suits everyone's needs - Our service suits tenants, landlords, real estate agents, and those selling or buying a house.
  • Agency-approved lease cleaning checklist - The cleaning team follows an REA checklist, ensuring every corner of the house gleams with cleanliness!
End of lease cleaning

What our vacate cleaning services entail

The end of lease cleaners follow agency-approved cleaning checklists to fully clean your rental unit.


A vetted and insured cleaning team will arrive at your property with all the necessary equipment and detergents to clean your kitchen. Your appliances will be cleaned and disinfected, with any scratches or scuffs buffed out. We thoroughly clean and sanitise the inside of cupboards and drawers, while diligently mopping and scrubbing every surface to eliminate accumulated dirt, grime, and bacteria.

Bathroom cleaning

The shower area and bathtub will receive a descaling and thorough cleaning, including the shower screen and tiles. We'll clean and descale the wall and floor tiles, sanitise the toilet, and polish the sink and mirror. Following that, we'll clean the cupboards and cabinets, and finally, mop the floor.

Bedroom cleaning

Our cleaners will start by vacuuming the bedrooms and then move on to dusting and polishing shelves, light fixtures, skirting boards, doorknobs, and any furniture. Following that, we'll ensure the interior windows are sparkling by polishing them, including cleaning the window sills and frames.

Living room / Dining area cleaning

We'll vacuum and mop the floors, thoroughly vacuum carpets and rugs, and remove any cobwebs. Then, we'll clean the light fittings, window sills, door frames, and knobs. After that, we'll dust and polish the wardrobes, cabinets, shelves, appliances, and decorations.

More professional cleaning services you can benefit from in Boronia

Blinds cleaning

Did you know Fantastic Services provides blind cleaning too? Just request it along with your end of lease cleaning service, and we'll thoroughly clean your blinds using specialised detergents without needing to remove them.

Rubbish removal

If you require assistance with garden waste disposal or a general cleanup for your rental property, our rubbish removal service is the ideal solution. We'll load the rubbish into the truck, sweep the area, and leave it as clean as possible after collection. Additionally, our eco-friendly service involves loading, transporting, and disposing of waste, prioritising recycling whenever possible.

Wall spot cleaning

Do you notice marks on your walls, worrying about your landlord's reaction? Consider wall spot cleaning alongside your bond cleaning service. Our cleaning professionals will remove all marks and stains from your walls, restoring the fresh look of your rooms. You'll have clean walls and a pleased landlord as the final result.

Mattress cleaning

Do your mattresses need extra care? Fantastic Services can help with that too! Schedule our deep mattress cleaning service, and we'll efficiently remove debris, dust mites, stains, and odours from your bed pieces. We handle mattresses of all types and sizes!


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Boronia:

2-bedroom unit

Boronia Jun 28, 2024
Hello, I need bond cleaning services for 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a kitchen. There are carpets on the floor. Needed until 28 of the month. I prefer the earliest slot in the
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

4-bedroom property

Boronia Feb 10, 2024
I would like to get information about an end of lease cleaning with carpet steam cleaning included. It's a well-maintained 4-bedroom house. We need the service as per the leas
e agreement. What will it cost?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Boronia Feb 26, 2024
I am looking to request an exit-certified cleaning service in a couple of days. The rental property is with 2 bedrooms, a kitchen and a wide livingroom. Is the steam cleaning
of the carpets included in the service?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Boronia cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Boronia is $606.

On average, around 42% of our clients choose to join the Fantastic Club to benefit from savings.

Most common properties in Boronia have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is frequently booked alongside pest-proofing services and steam carpet cleaning.

$277 $606 $878

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Boronia bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Boronia

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Do you want to get your bond back? We are here to help!