Details of our end of lease cleaning service in Carlton North

Allow us to do the dirty work while you enjoy the pristine results!

  • Friendly team of professional cleaners!
  • A 72-hours bond back guarantee!
  • Eco-friendly detergents and methods!
  • Specialised bonuses for Fantastic Club members!
Enter your postcode

Book your move-out cleaning in Carlton North online quickly and easily


Fill in your postcode

Fill in your postcode in the online booking form on this website. You can also try out our GoFantastic mobile app.

Tell us more about your needs

Tell us more about the size of your rental property and share any particular cleaning needs you or your landlord might have.

Check the available time slots

Pick the most suitable day and time for your end of lease cleaning by choosing from a real-time availability.

Finish your booking

The cleaning team will arrive at your address on the appointment day, fully equipped with everything needed for the task.
End of lease cleaning

Why entrust your vacate cleaning needs to Fantastic Services in Carlton North?

We guarantee a top-notch cleaning experience by providing you with more than you bargained for!

  • Fully insured end of lease cleaners - The team of cleaners are all trained, fully insured, experienced, and equipped with the proper equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products.
  • Additional services on request - Fantastic Services can handle all of your cleaning needs in a single appointment! The more services you include, the better the rate!
  • Industry-grade cleaning products and tools - The specialists use only professional cleaning equipment and detergents for excellent results.
  • Reliable customer service team - Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
  • Fantastic Club perks - We reward all Fantastic Club members with a variety of benefits, including priority booking, special rates, and credits that can be used to book future services.
  • REA end of lease cleaning checklist - The cleaning crew adheres to an agency-approved sanitation checklist to ensure that every corner of the house is spotless!

The end of lease cleaning in more detail

Our vacate cleaning services can be used by real estate agencies, tenants, property managers, landlords, and individuals involved in property buying or selling. Get your property professionally cleaned at a competitive lease cleaning cost.

Kitchen cleaning

will perform a thorough cleaning of your kitchen. If possible, they will defrost the refrigerator for 24 hours, then will clean all appliances inside and out including the oven, with a special cleaner for tough stains and burnt-on food. The faucets and sink will be descaled, and the cutting boards will be sanitised.

Bathroom polishing

Within the bathroom, we will clean all cupboards and cabinets. The shower area, bathtub, and tiles will undergo de-liming and descaling, while the toilet will be deep cleaned and sanitised. Additionally, we'll clean exhaust fans and vents, polish sink and mirrors, and mop hard flooring.


Your cleaning crew will vacuum all bedrooms as well as dust, polish, and shine all surfaces. You can also request that the windows in every room on the property be washed. They will also polish the window sills and frames.

Living room and hallway cleaning

The lease cleaners will vacuum and mop all floors, ensuring that any spider webs are swept away. They will also clean all windows from the inside. Every piece of soft furniture will also be thoroughly vacuumed. They will dust and clean railings, skirting boards, cabinets, wardrobes, blinds, light fixtures, and wipe the skirting boards as well.

Enjoy more than one cleaning service in Carlton North!

We deliver outstanding bond cleaning services with impeccable results. Have a spotless property at a competitive cost for lease cleaning by checking the other cleaning services.

Tile and grout cleaning

Is your rental home equipped with tile flooring? Then it might be a good idea to order a professional tile and grout cleaning service from us, which is performed by a skilled professional equipped with a cutting-edge hard floor cleaning machine. Your landlord will be fascinated and will undoubtedly return your band in full.

Pressure cleaning

Improve the exterior appearance of your home! Opt for jet cleaning services provided by Fantastic Services to guarantee a comprehensive cleaning of your exterior hard surfaces, eliminating mould, mildew, and stains. We use environmentally friendly cleaning methods to clean various outdoor surfaces, such as pool areas, garage floors, decks, fencing, walls, and paving.

Window cleaning

Get your windows cleaned from the inside and outside for amazing results! Request outside window cleaning, and we will arrive fully equipped with an extension pole that can reach all the way to the fourth floor and a tank of purified water. By employing the water-fed pole method, we will ensure efficiency, an eco-friendly cleaning technique and completely streak-free windows.

Carpet cleaning

You can benefit from our steam carpet cleaning services, which are performed with the most recent hot water extraction machine. It can sanitise synthetic and mixed-fibre carpets and rugs while also removing stubborn stains and foot traffic lanes from your floor coverings. Add carpet cleaning to your bond back cleaning appointment and enjoy some discounts in the process, too.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Carlton North:

3-bedroom house

Carlton North Apr 16, 2024
Hi. We are in need of end of lease cleaning by the end of the month. We are available after 1pm at the week days. 3 bedroom townhouse 2 bathrooms , no carpet. Please advise q
uote and availability.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

1-bedroom property

Carlton North Jul 14, 2024
In need of an end of lease clean this Friday if possible. 1 bedroom 1 bathroom flat with a balcony that will need cleaning too. Kitchen has full set of appliances. Bathroom is
toilet, sink, floating vanity, combined bath/shower. Balcony is about 2m x 4m. Open plan apartment, combined living/dining room. I prefer email or text message as I'm unable to answer my phone during business hours.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

3-bedroom house

Carlton North Jul 10, 2024
Hi, Looking for a quote for bond back cleaning. There are carpets in 3 bedrooms, and on the staircases (3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, stairs, hallway, big kitchen, 4 carpets). Cont
act me if you need more details, please.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Carlton North cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Carlton North is $581.

On average, 45% of our clients join the Fantastic Club to save money.

Most common properties in Carlton North have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is often booked together with pest-proofing services and steam carpet cleaning.

$273 $581 $869

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Working hours and end of lease cleaning Carlton North coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Carlton North

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Schedule end of lease cleaning in Carlton North and get your bond back guarantee!