Affordable End of Lease Cleaning Services in Docklands by Local Teams

Count on the help of vetted end of lease cleaners near you!

  • A service not limited to time!
  • Professionally trained and experienced cleaners!
  • Special rates and perks for Fantastic Club members!
  • Estate agency-approved checklist followed!
Enter your postcode

Book your bond cleaning services online fast and easily


Enter your postcode

Enter your postal code into the online booking form. You can also use the GoFantastic app to make an appointment.

Give us the details of your service

To provide an accurate quote, we require specific details such as the property size and whether it is furnished.

What time would be good for you?

Choose the most convenient date and time for your end of lease cleaning by selecting from real-time availability.

Complete your booking

Your booking is submitted! Now all that you have to do is wait for the professional cleaners to arrive for the job.

Why opt for our vacate cleaning services in Docklands

We strive to exceed your expectations in any aspect!

  • REA-approved end of lease cleaning checklist - The cleaning team adheres to a detailed sanitation checklist, ensuring every corner of the rental unit is left sparkling clean!
  • Oven cleaning included - For your convenience and to ensure every corner is left spotless, the cleaners will also deep clean your oven inside and out.
  • All-week-round availability - Service appointments can be scheduled any day of the week, including Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
  • Fantastic Club perks - Become a Fantastic Club member and benefit from premium booking, special rates and credits towards future services for the entire year ahead.
  • Key pick-up available upon request - Local cleaners can retrieve keys from an alternate location near the rental address for the convenience of both tenants and landlords.
  • Helpful customer service team - Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your service, feel free to reach out to our helpful customer care representatives.
End of lease cleaning

What our bond cleaning process entails

We follow an agency-approved cleaning checklist to bring you the expected high-standard results!

Kitchen cleaning

Our cleaning team is committed to providing your kitchen with a thorough deep clean. All kitchen appliances will be deep cleaned and polished. The refrigerator will be wiped down, with special attention devoted to the detailed cleaning of the oven. Additionally, tiled surfaces, countertops, kitchen cupboards, and the sink will receive a thorough scrubbing. If there are carpets, they will actively vacuum the area, and for hard floors, they will carry out the mopping process. This provides a comprehensive and proactive approach to cleaning every corner of your space.

Bathroom polishing

Cleaning will cover the bathroom, toilet, and laundry room. Usng specialised descaling detergents, the team will address the walls, floor, shower cabin, bathtub, sink, and toilet to eliminate challenging limescale and mould build-up. Additionally, taps and shower fittings will receive thorough wiping and sanitisation. The mirror will be cleaned, and dusting will be applied to storage units. This ensures a comprehensive cleaning approach, leaving these spaces fresh and hygienic.

Bedrooms cleaning

Our local cleaning team will vacuum each bedroom and dust and polish surfaces, covering shelves, light fixtures, skirting boards, doorknobs, and furnishings. To rejuvenate your space, they will also wash the interior windows in every room, ensuring a bright and gleaming appearance. Both inside and out, the window sills and frames will be carefully polished.

Living room and hallway cleaning

The entry, stairwell, living and dining rooms, along with all hallways, are in for a thorough cleaning. Our friendly team will vacuum and mop all floors in these areas, paying attention to the entryway tiles, living room carpet, dining room hardwood, and hallway runners. Doorframes, light switches, and other frequently touched surfaces will be dusted. Our experts will deep clean and polish the interiors of all windows, eliminating any accumulated dust, dirt, or grime.

Other cleaning services we offer in Docklands

Wall spot cleaning

Do you have spots on your walls and are afraid that your landlord is going to give you trouble? Well, why not get wall spot cleaning with your end of lease cleaning service? The cleaning experts will ensure the removal of all marks and stubborn stains on your walls, restoring a fresh and rejuvenated look to your rooms. The final result will be clean walls and a happy landlord.

Carpet cleaning

This professional carpet cleaning process includes a pre-inspection to define carpet materials, pre-treatment of stains, and deep vacuuming. Our hot water extraction method of cleaning removes 99% of dirt and bacteria, and carpets take around three to six hours to dry following the service. You will also receive recommendations on carpet maintenance to extend the life of your floor coverings.

Outside window cleaning

We can provide you with eco-friendly yet, very effective window cleaning solutions, which will transform the exterior of your property and of course, improve its curb appeal. Upon request, you can opt for washing your windows on the inside, too, which in effect, is a task present on a move-out cleaning checklist. So, whatever your particular cleaning needs are, we can meet them professionally and with top-notch results.


The skilled handyman is capable of undertaking a variety of repairs and maintenance tasks throughout the rental property. They are equipped to handle both interior and exterior work, arriving with all the necessary tools and equipment based on the specific job requirements. If some specific part is needed, the specialist can also do the shopping for you and make sure that the right materials are bought.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Docklands:

2-bedroom unit

Docklands Jun 06, 2024
Please advise the cost of a bond back guarantee cleaning in Docklands. This is regarding a furnished 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment. Please advise what steam cleaning is norm
ally included as part of the end of tenancy cleaning service. Please also advise what specific cleaning items are excluded.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

1-bedroom property

Docklands Jun 23, 2024
Hello, I need an end of lease thorough cleaning, deep carpet cleaning (there are some stains), pest control and flea treatment. It is a one-bedroom flat, there is no carpet in
the kitchen. It also has a small study. Could you please let me know how much this would cost.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

3-bedroom house

Docklands May 04, 2024
Hello there, we need cleaning of a 3-bedroom house with carpets in bedrooms, 2 tiled bathrooms and 1 dining room (no carpet). What will be the price and what is included? Than
k you.
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Docklands cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Docklands is $602.

On average, 42% of our clients join the Fantastic Club to save money.

Most common properties in Docklands have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is frequently arrange with carpet steam cleaning and pest control services.

$273 $602 $805

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Docklands bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Docklands

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Book a premium end of lease cleaning service in Docklands!