Get Your Bond Back with End of Lease Cleaning Services in Elwood

Count on the help of experienced end of lease cleaners near you!

  • Get a free quote and fixed price!
  • 72-hour bond back guarantee with a completely FREE re-clean!
  • Numerous benefits for Fantastic Club members!
  • 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed!
Enter your postcode

Request a service via our easy-to-use booking form


Your postcode, please!

Type your postcode in our convenient booking form or book through our user-friendly GoFantastic mobile app!

Share your cleaning needs

Give us more details about your property, the date that works best with your schedule and the final REA inspection. We're available all week round!

Select a time and date

Once you tell us your requirements, proceed with creating a Fantastic account, to select the most suitable day for your session.

Finalise your booking

Finalise your booking, then sit back and relax! The cleaning team will arrive promptly and fully prepared for the job in no time!

What makes our bond cleaning in Elwood a local favourite?

Trust us to provide you with a cleaning solution that is tailored according to your unique needs!

  • Pick-up of the key upon request - If you're unable to be present for your service appointment, we can set up a key pick-up for your convenience.
  • Available every day of the week - Our bond cleaning services are available every day, including weekends and public holidays.
  • Service, not limited in time - The friendly team of end of lease cleaners will stay as long as needed to ensure your landlord is perfectly satisfied and returns your bond in full.
  • Environmentally friendly cleaning solutions - We use industry-standard detergents that are both eco-friendly and safe for use around children and pets.
  • Affordable prices - You will receive a free, no-obligation quote that is entirely based on the layout of the property, with no hidden fees.
  • Special rates with the Fantastic Club - The Fantastic Club membership can guarantee you premium time slots, exclusive rates and credits towards future bookings.
End of lease cleaning

What to expect from our vacate cleaning services in Elwood?

The professional cleaners work until all tasks on the end of lease cleaning checklist are completed.

Kitchen cleaning

A licensed and insured cleaning team will arrive at your home or business with all the necessary equipment and detergents to clean your kitchen. They will thoroughly clean and disinfect your appliances, addressing any scratches or scuffs. Cupboards and drawers will be sanitised, while all surfaces will be mopped and scrubbed to eliminate accumulated dirt, grime, and bacteria.

Bathroom cleaning

Our professional cleaners will descale and clean the shower area, and bathtub, including the shower screen and tiles. Wall and floor tiles will be descaled too. Sanitisation of the toilet and polishing of the sink and mirror will follow. Afterwards, they'll clean the cupboards and cabinets before mopping the floor.

Bedrooms cleaning

Our exit cleaning team ensures every bedroom is thoroughly cleaned and organised. They'll strip the beds of sheets and pillowcases, vacuum to remove any hair or dust bunnies, polish surfaces, and use specialised cleaning products to wash the windows. Rest assured, we've got everything covered!

Living room and hallway cleaning

Finally, the floors will be vacuumed and mopped, carpets and rugs thoroughly vacuumed, and spider webs removed. All light fittings, window sills, door frames and knobs will be carefully cleaned, and wardrobes, cabinets, shelves, appliances, and decorations will be dusted.

More services you can book with your vacate cleaning in Elwood!

Tiles and grout cleaning

If you think that your tiled surfaces require some extra attention, book our tile and grout cleaning service for sparkling floors and walls. We'll diligently remove limescale, mould, and grime, restoring your tiles to their original appearance and enhancing the overall look of the entire room.

Carpet steam cleaning

Our carpet cleaning service is performed by qualified specialists trained to use the advanced hot-water extraction method. This method effectively cleans all synthetic carpet types, leaving your floor covering fluffy, vibrant, and thoroughly sanitised. Opt for carpet cleaning with your end of lease booking for a better deal and a guaranteed return of your rental deposit.

Gutter cleaning

Do the gutters in your rental property need a cleanup? Although it might not be a priority for your landlord, going above and beyond could ensure the return of your deposit. With Fantastic Services, you can arrange for gutter cleaning if there's a blockage in the roof drainage system. You can also discuss potential reimbursement terms with the property owner.

Blinds cleaning

Did you know that Fantastic Services offers cleaning services specifically designed for blinds? You can simply request it in addition to your end of tenancy cleaning session, and we will make sure to wipe down and deep clean your blinds with advanced detergents without even having to remove them.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Elwood:

1-bedroom property

Elwood VIC Jan 22, 2024
Hello, I need an end of lease bond cleaning, deep carpet cleaning (there are some stains), pest control and flea treatment. It is a one-bedroom flat, there is no carpet in the
kitchen. It also has a balcony. Could you please let me know how much this would cost.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

3-bedroom house

Elwood VIC Feb 18, 2024
Looking for a quote for an end of lease sanitising and carpet clean. House is 3x2 with kitchen/living, lounge and sunroom. Carpeted areas the 3 bedrooms and the stairs to seco
nd story. Is it possible for this Friday?.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

3-bedroom house

Elwood VIC Jul 11, 2024
Hello, I have a two-storey house with three bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and carpets throughout that will require steam cleaning. Looking for a deposit back guarantee. Send a price,
please. Thanks!
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Elwood cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Elwood is $571.

On average, 45% of our clients choose to join the Fantastic Club for savings..

Most common properties in Elwood have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is frequently booked alongside pest-proofing services and carpet steam cleaning.

$287 $571 $881

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Elwood bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Elwood VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Relocate with ease by booking a professional end of lease cleaning service in Elwood!