End of Lease Cleaning Services in Epping with Bond Back Guarantee

Expert end of lease cleaners will complete the hard work for you!

  • 72-hours deposit back guarantee!
  • Flexible and convenient booking slots!
  • All equipment and detergents provided!
  • Enviromentally-friendly cleaning techniques.
Enter your postcode

Book online your local cleaners in Epping


Tell us where you are

Type your postcode in our convenient booking platform or book through our handy GoFantastic mobile app!

Share your cleaning needs

Share details about the size of your rental property and any additional tasks you might need help with.

Select a time and date

Choose a day and time that suits you the most. This includes weekends and public holidays as well.

Submit your booking

Your booking is submitted! Now, all that's left is to await the arrival of the professional cleaners for your appointment.

Why choose Fantastic Services in Epping for your needs?

With our professional end of lease cleaning services, you are sure to get more than you've originally bargained for!

  • Commercial clients are welcome, too - Fantastic Services provides commercial vacate cleaning services, too, suitable for offices and other types of business properties.
  • Fantastic Club benefits - Become a Fantastic Club member and benefit from premium booking, special rates and credits towards future services for the entire year ahead.
  • Agency-approved sanitation checklists - The cleaning team uses an end of lease cleaning checklist, ensuring every corner of the house shines brightly.
  • Specialised cleaning products - Our cleaning process employs professional-grade equipment and top-quality detergents to guarantee exceptional results.
  • Versatile service for everyone - This service caters not just to tenants but also to landlords, real estate agencies, and individuals looking to sell their property.
  • Key pick-up available on request - If you can't make it to your service appointment, we'll arrange a key pick-up for your convenience.
End of lease cleaning

The steps behind our move-out cleaning service in Epping!

Exceptional bond cleaning delivers top-quality results at affordable rates.

Kitchen sanitation

Our cleaning team will take the necessary time to sanitise your rental unit's kitchen. Integrated appliances will receive a thorough cleaning and polishing, while the oven will be inside-out deep cleaned. All kitchen cupboards and worktops will be cleaned and polished. The sink, splashback, and any tiled surfaces will be descaled and wiped clean.

Bathroom cleaning

Next, the cleaning professionals will proceed to the bathroom. Powerful industry-grade detergents will be employed to eradicate limescale and mould from the walls, sink, taps, shower cabin, bathtub, and toilet. The mirror, shelves, and storage units will receive a comprehensive dusting and wipe-down. To finish, the floor will be mopped using a specialised tile cleaning product.

Bedrooms cleaning

Every inch of the property will be deep cleaned. Bedrooms will be vacuumed, while shelves, light fixtures, skirting boards, doorknobs, and furnishings will be thoroughly dusted and polished. To restore your property's gleam, the inside windows of each room will be washed, ensuring a top-to-bottom shine. Additionally, both the inside and outside of window sills and frames will be polished for a complete finish.

Living room and hallway cleaning

Our experts will vacuum the floor and any soft furniture. Additionally, tiled, wooden, or vinyl floors will be thoroughly mopped to ensure a pristine finish. All surfaces will be dusted, spider webs will be removed, and all light switches and fittings, skirting boards, door knobs, as well as any wooden pieces of furnishing, will be wiped clean.

Other cleaning services you can bundle up with your end of lease cleaning in Epping


We can organise a handyman to come to your rental home and take care of various fix-up and maintenance tasks before you vacate. They'll come prepared with all the necessary equipment and basic materials like plugs, nuts, and bolts. The professionals we partner with are highly skilled and experienced, offering same-day service for urgent issues.

Rubbish removal

Whether it's garden waste disposal or a general clean-up for your rental property, our rubbish removal service is an ideal solution. The team will load the rubbish into the truck, ensuring the area is swept and left as tidy as can be after collection. This eco-friendly service covers loading, transportation, and disposal, maximising recycling efforts for minimal waste.

Tile and grout cleaning

If you think that your tiled surfaces require some extra care, book our tile and grout cleaning service for sparkling floors and walls. We will make sure to eliminate any limescale, mould and grime build-up and restore the original look of your tiles, while overall enhancing the appearance of the entire room.

Blinds cleaning

Add this essential step to your vacate cleaning checklist to surpass a standard dusting and ensure that hidden dirt doesn't affect your deposit return from the landlord. Our professionally trained cleaners will thoroughly wipe and deep clean your blinds using advanced detergents, all without the need to remove them.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Epping:

2-bedroom unit

Epping VIC Jun 13, 2024
Can you please email a price for end of lease cleaning - 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 1 balcony. Will also need deep carpet cleaning for each of the rooms. Thank you in advance
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

3 bedrooms

Epping VIC Mar 31, 2024
Require bond cleaning service for a 3-bedroom house with carpeted bedrooms, two tiled bathrooms, and one living room. Can you quote by the end of the week? Do you offer Saturd
ay appoitments?
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

3-bedroom house

Epping VIC Jan 22, 2024
Hi, In need of a quote for moving out cleaning. There are carpets in 3 bedrooms, on the staircases, in the hallway, and in a large dining room, totaling four carpets overall.
Send by email, please.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning Epping cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Epping is $584.

On average, approximately 42% of our clients choose to join the Fantastic Club for savings.

Most common properties in Epping have 2 bedrooms.

It's common for end of lease cleaning services to be booked alongside carpet steam cleaning.

$270 $584 $810

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Epping bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Epping VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 2121

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Book affordable bond cleaning services in Epping today!