Professional and Stress-free End of Lease Cleaning Services in Hastings

Book our vacate cleaning services that will leave a smile on your landlord's face and get your bond back!

  • Thorough cleaning that follows the agency-approved checklist!
  • Free re-cleaning within the first 72 hours!
  • Free quotes and re-cleans!
  • Eco-friendly cleaning products and equipment provided!
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Request your move-out cleaning appointment online


Please, enter your postcode

Just enter your postcode to find professional cleaners in your area.

Tell us your service preferences

Share some details about the size of your rental property and any specific cleaning requirements you may require.

Choose a day and time

We work all week round, including on public holidays, so pick a time and date that will suit you best!

Complete your request

Submit your booking and enjoy your free time, while waiting for your assigned team of lease cleaners to arrive!

Benefit from numerous perks with our bond cleaning services in Hastings

Enjoy a hassle-free, stress-free, and rewarding end of tenancy experience with our comprehensive cleaning service!

  • 72-hour bond back guarantee - If you or your landlord aren't happy with the results in the next 72h, the team will come back to re-clean, free of charge!
  • Expert cleaning team - Your bond cleaning will be carried out by professionally trained and fully insured cleaners with extensive industry experience.
  • Special offers - Enjoy discounted prices with Fantastic Club membership, ensuring premium time slots, exclusive rates, and credits towards future bookings.
  • Specialised cleaning products and tools - Professional cleaning equipment and high-quality detergents are used in the cleaning process to ensure top-notch results.
  • Flexible appointments - You can request a same-day service, morning or afternoon slots, 7 days a week with no extra charge for weekends and bank holidays
  • Straightforward booking steps - Get a free, no-obligation quote by calling us or chatting with us online at your convenience.
End of lease cleaning

How we perform our end of lease cleaning service in Hastings!

We follow an agency-approved end of lease cleaning checklist to ensure your property is cleaned up to the highest standard!

Kitchen cleaning

The professionals will invest the necessary time to thoroughly sanitise the kitchen in your rental property. Integrated appliances will be carefully cleaned and polished. The oven will receive a deep cleaning inside and out. they'll thoroughly clean and polish all kitchen cupboards and worktops, and descale and wipe down the sink, splashback, and any other tiled surfaces.

Bathrooms cleaning

In the bathroom, the experts will perform a deep clean on the walls, floor tiles, shower screen, bathtub, toilet, and all fittings and fixtures using powerful solutions. They will also wipe clean all cupboards inside and out, polish the mirrors, sinks, and all other surfaces, and mop the floor.

Bedroom cleaning

The local cleaning team will clean all tile floors and vacuum soft coverings. They will polish all mirrors, and wipe down all windowpanes and frames from the inside. Cupboards, wardrobes, and drawers will be purged of dust and grime, leaving them impeccably organised and clean.

Living room / Dining area

Ultimately, the vacate cleaners will thoroughly clean all remaining rooms, including hallways, the living room, and the dining room, addressing every surface. Spider webs will be banished while any applicable soft furnishings will be vacuumed to guarantee optimal cleanliness. Should you feel that something was overlooked or if your landlord is dissatisfied with the results, the team is committed to returning for a re-clean at no additional cost!

More Fantastic cleaning services you can rely on in Hastings

Blinds cleaning

Include this essential element in your tenancy cleaning checklist to go beyond standard dusting and ensure that no hidden dirt sets you back when it comes to recovering your security deposit from your landlord.

Gutter cleaning

Are the gutters of the rental house in need of a good clean? Although this may not be a preference by your landlord, for you to retrieve your bond, it's good to know that you can go the extra mile. With Fantastic Services, you can order a gutter cleaning service should the roof drainage system have been blocked. You can negotiate some reimbursement conditions with the unit owner, of course.

Carpet cleaning

Do you think that your carpeting also needs a deep clean? Just book our professional carpet cleaning session, and we will thoroughly clean your carpets and rugs, making sure to remove any stubborn stains and odours. regardless of your carpet's material, we possess advanced equipment and expertise to handle the task efficiently.

Mattress cleaning

Are you considering giving your mattresses some extra care? The good news is that Fantastic Services can assist with that too! Book our professional mattress cleaning service and have us efficiently remove all debris, dust mites, staining and odours from your bed pieces. We clean all types of mattresses, as well as all sizes!


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Hastings:

3-bedroom unit

Hastings May 01, 2024
Hi, I need exit cleaning services for a 3 bedroom property, 2 bathrooms. I need it before the 30th of the month. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, four carpets, dining room, stud
y room, kitchen. Thanks.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

3-bedroom house

Hastings Jul 15, 2024
Hi, we need cleaning of a 3-bedroom rental property with carpets, 2 tiled bathrooms and 1 dining room (no carpet). How much will the lease cleaning cost and what is included?
Thank you.
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

1-bedroom property

Hastings Mar 08, 2024
Good afternoon. Can I get a quote for vacate cleaning of 1 bedroom, 2 carpets in Hastings, 2nd-floor apartment? Do you offer window cleaning as well? Could you please send me
your checklist and the price by email?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Hastings cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Hastings is $580.

On average, 40% of our clients join the Fantastic Club to save money.

Most common properties in Hastings have 2 bedrooms.

It's common for end of lease cleaning to be scheduled together with carpet steam cleaning services.

$276 $580 $865

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Hastings bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Hastings

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3915

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Schedule your vacate cleaning service in Hastings today!