Reliable End of Lease Cleaning Services in Kensington

Entrust your end of lease cleaning needs to the Fantastic professionals!

  • 72-hour bond back guarantee!
  • 7-day availability, even on public holidays!
  • The skilled cleaners follow the tenancy cleaning checklist!
  • Non-time-limited service, we stay until needed!
Enter your postcode

Secure a service with our convenient booking process


Fill in your postcode

We'll then be able to quickly identify a local vacate cleaning team near you.

Tell us your cleaning needs

Share with us the size of your property, as well as any specific cleaning needs you or your landlord may have.

Select a day and time

Choose a time slot that will suit you! We work 7 days a week, including on public holidays, at no extra charge!

Confirm your booking

Your booking is finished! Now all that you have to do is wait for the end of lease cleaners to arrive for the session.

What makes us the ideal choice for your bond cleaning services?

It's easy! Enjoy a range of benefits when you trust your rental property cleaning needs to Fantastic Services.

  • Oven cleaning included - For your convenience and peace of mind, our service includes professional oven deep cleaning, free of extra charge!
  • Fantastic Club membership - Fantastic Club members enjoy priority access to preferential booking slots, special rates, and credits that can be applied to future services.
  • Exceptional customer service team - If you have any queries or concerns related to your service, don't hesitate to contact our helpful customer care representatives.
  • Discounted rates - The Fantastic Club membership can guarantee you access to premium time slots, exclusive prices and credits towards future bookings.
  • No limit on time - Our service is not hourly based, which means that the team will stay until they have cleaned everything up to standard.
  • A simplified booking system - Enjoy hassle-free booking with our straightforward process. Get a free quote any time you contact us by phone or chat, available 24/7.
End of lease cleaning

How Fantastic's vacate cleaning services work

The vacate cleaning teams follow an agency-approved lease cleaning checklist to deep clean your rental unit.

Kitchen cleaning

The professionals will spend as much time as needed to sanitise the kitchen in your rental property. Integrated appliances will be thoroughly cleaned and polished. The oven will be thoroughly cleaned. The kitchen cupboards and worktops will be cleaned and polished too. The sink, the splashback and any other tiled surfaces will be descaled and wiped clean.

Bathroom cleaning

The professional cleaners will sanitise the toilet, remove lime, and descale the shower area and bathtub. Following that, they'll clean and polish the sink, vanity, and surfaces. Additionally, they'll organise the cupboards and meticulously polish the mirrors.


Our vacate cleaning professionals will thoroughly clean doors, doorframes, knobs, light switches, and skirting boards, and remove any cobwebs that may be lurking, leaving your rental unit spotless and ready for your landlord's inspection.

Living area

In the end, the vacate cleaners will thoroughly clean all remaining rooms, including hallways, the living room, and the dining room. Spider webs will be eliminated, and any applicable soft furnishings will be carefully vacuumed to ensure optimal cleanliness. If you feel that something was overlooked or if your landlord is dissatisfied with the results, the team is committed to returning for a re-clean at no additional cost!

Other professional services you can benefit from in Kensington

Carpet cleaning

Book our professional carpet steam cleaning session if you feel your carpets could benefit from a thorough cleaning. We'll carefully clean your soft coverings, ensuring the removal of stubborn stains and odours. Our advanced equipment and expertise make us well-equipped to handle the task efficiently, regardless of your carpet's material.

Pressure cleaning

Enhance the appearance of your home and make it shine like new from the outside with our premium pressure cleaning service! Book jet washing with us and let a professional take care of your outdoor hard surfaces, such as driveways, decks or garage floors, while saving you time and effort!

Wall spot cleaning

Eliminate the stress of leaving your rental property in immaculate condition by having our professional cleaners thoroughly clean the walls, removing any remnants of handprints, pet marks, or other blemishes.

Tiles and grout cleaning

A powerful cleaning solution is precisely applied to the tiles and grout, where it is then agitated to effectively break down and remove stubborn dirt and grime. Then, any excess water is mopped away. The service rejuvenates your tiled floors, restoring their original shine.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Kensington:

2-bedroom unit

Kensington Jun 17, 2024
I need a price for exit cleaning services for a small 2 bedroom rented property, 1 main bathroom and 1 powder room. Two bedrooms need carpets steam cleaned.

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Kensington Mar 18, 2024
Hi, I'd like to book a move-out cleaning. The agency will arrive on 02. It's a 2-bedroom property - no carpets. Located in Kensington. How much will the lease cleaning cost? S
end a quote, please. Thank you in advance.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Kensington Jun 29, 2024
Please provide me with the cost of an end of tenancy cleaning in Kensington. The property is a 2 bed 1 bathroom fully furnished apartment. Please let me know if steam cleaning
is normally included as part of the end of tenancy cleaning service and if it extends to sofa, beds etc? Please also advise what specific cleaning items are excluded.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Kensington cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Kensington is $592.

On average, 42% of our clients join the Fantastic Club to save money.

Most common properties in Kensington have 2 bedrooms.

Bond cleaning is frequently combined with pest control services and carpet steam cleaning services.

$258 $592 $864

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Kensington bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Kensington

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Book our end of lease cleaning service in Kensington and get your bond back!