Tenants and Landlords Can Benefit from End of Lease Cleaning Service in Mernda

Have your rental property in Mernda expertly cleaned with a 72-hour bond back guarantee!

  • Detailed end of tenancy cleaning checklist!
  • Enviromentally-friendly cleaning techniques.
  • All equipment and detergents provided!
  • Fully insured end of lease cleaners near you!
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Book online our exceptional vacate cleaning services in Mernda


Enter your postal code

Type your postcode in our convenient booking form or book through our handy GoFantastic mobile app!

Give us the details of your service

If you have any specific or extra tasks, just let us know, and we'll include them in the lease cleaning checklist.

Check the available time slots

Move out cleaning in Mernda can be booked any day of the week and at weekends for your convenience.

Submit your booking

Submit your booking and relax, while our assigned professional cleaners get ready to take care of everything!

Why choose Fantastic Services for your end of lease cleaning Mernda

When booking a bond cleaning with Fantastic Services, you get more than just a thorough cleaning service!

  • Free re-cleaning option - In the unlikely chance that the professionals have missed something, let us know within 72 hours of the service, and we'll come back for a free re-clean!
  • Reasonable rates - You'll get a free, no-obligation quote entirely based on your property's layout, with no hidden fees.
  • Commercial end of lease cleaning - When relocating your business, don't hesitate to book our bond cleaning services! Our qualified cleaners specialise in commercial cleaning too
  • Fantastic Club benefits - Enroll in the Fantastic Club to amplify your benefits with special rates, exclusive offers, and numerous additional perks!
  • Oven cleaning, included in the service - To make things easier for our customers, we offer a free deep oven cleaning service with our vacate cleaning solutions.
  • Fully equipped and insured local technicians - We count on local end of lease cleaners, who are experienced and trained, as well as hold Public Liability Insurance.
End of lease cleaning

Your bond cleaning services in more detail

Leave your end of lease cleaning in the hands of our expert team and secure your bond refund, backed by a 72-hour guarantee!

Kitchen cleaning

Our local cleaners will invest enough time to sanitise the kitchen in your rental property. Integrated appliances will be cleaned and polished. The oven will receive a thorough inside-out deep cleaning. All kitchen cupboards and worktops will be detailed cleaned and polished. Additionally, the sink, splashback, and any other tiled surfaces will be descaled and wiped clean.

Bathroom cleaning

Afterwards, the cleaning team will remove any limescale from tapware, shower fittings, bathroom accessories, the bathtub, and the toilet bowl. They'll also polish the mirror and shower cabin. Bathroom storage units, including the vanity, will be thoroughly cleaned inside and out. Finally, the floor will be mopped using an appropriate detergent.

Bedroom cleaning

The bedrooms will receive thorough vacuuming for a spotless space, including the removal of cobwebs. Interior windows, frames, and sills will be washed. Built-in cabinets, wardrobes, and door frames will be dusted and wiped down, ensuring a thorough cleaning. Light fittings and railings will also receive deep cleaning.

Living room and hallway cleaning

The vacate cleaners will carefully clean all remaining rooms, including hallways, living room, and dining room, ensuring every surface is thoroughly cleaned. Cobwebs will be eliminated, and, if applicable, any upholstered furniture will undergo vacuuming. After the cleaning process, if there are any concerns or if your landlord expresses dissatisfaction, the team is committed to coming back for a re-clean, free of charge!

More Fantastic cleaning services you can rely on in Mernda

Exterior window cleaning

Entrust your window cleaning needs to the Fantastic window cleaning professionals! We use a specialised, eco-friendly and 100% safe window cleaning method. The purified water-fed extension pole system we use ensures gleaming clean windows while maintaining your privacy intact. The service is available for commercial and domestic clients alike.

Mattress cleaning

Is your mattress in need of some extra care? Fantastic Services has you covered! Book our professional mattress cleaning service to effectively remove debris, dust mites, tough stains, and unpleasant odours from your bed pieces. We handle all mattress types and sizes.

Rubbish removal

If you need help disposing of garden waste or just a general rental home clean-up, our rubbish removal service is perfect for you. The rubbish will be loaded into the back of the truck, and after collection, the area will be thoroughly swept and left as clean as possible. Our environmentally friendly service manages loading, transportation, and disposal, ensuring maximum waste is directed towards recycling.


We can arrange for a handyman to visit your rental property and perform a range of fix-up and maintenance tasks before you vacate. We'll supply all the necessary equipment, including basic materials such as plugs, nuts, and bolts. Our highly qualified and experienced multi-skilled professionals offer same-day service for urgent issues.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Mernda:

2-bedroom house

Mernda May 17, 2024
Good morning. I have a small house with two bedrooms and a bathroom that needs bond back guarantee cleaning. I also need carpet cleaning done in both bedrooms. No stains, just
a regular usage. Thank you.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet, Wall Spot cleaning

2-bedroom flat

Mernda Jun 23, 2024
Hi, I am vacating a rental property soon so I need to professionally clean the flat. There are two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen and a hallway. Both bedrooms are carpeted. C
ould you please send me a quote by email? Contact me if you need more information. Thanks.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Mernda Feb 27, 2024
Hello, I am looking for an end of tenancy service for next week as we are leaving out from our rental unit: 2 Bedrooms, no carpets. How much will it cost? Contact me if you ne
ed more details.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Mernda cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Mernda is $575.

On average, around 42% of our clients choose to join the Fantastic Club to access savings.

Most common properties in Mernda have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is frequently paired with carpet steam cleaning and pest-proofing services.

$269 $575 $744

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Mernda bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Mernda

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3754

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Book affordable end of lease cleaning services in Mernda today!