Mitcham End of Lease Cleaning Services with a 72h Guarantee

Schedule a bond cleaning service that leaves your landlord impressed and ensures the return of your lease deposit!

  • Service includes oven deep-cleaning.
  • Service isn't limited in time - completion is the goal!
  • Free re-cleaning option in the first 72 hours!
  • Fantastic discount rates for Club members!
Enter your postcode

Book your vacate cleaning service online fast and easily


Enter your postcode

Fill in your postcode in the provided form on this website. Explore the convenience of our GoFantastic mobile app as well.

Tell us exactly what we need to do

Tell us more about the size of your rental property and specify any particular cleaning request you or your landlord might have.

Pick a day and time

Select a suitable day and time via the online booking form, where you can see all the available slots in real-time.

Finish your request

Make a secure online payment, and leave the rest to us! We'll assign a vacate cleaning team near you to come and complete the task.

Why trust Fantastic Services to deep clean your rental unit?

There are numerous reasons why you should choose our bond cleaning services. Here are just a few:

  • Affordable prices - You will receive a free, no-obligation quote that is entirely based on the layout of the property, with no hidden fees.
  • Benefit from our free re-clean guarantee - If our professionals happen to miss something, notify us within 72 hours of the service, and we'll come back for a complimentary re-clean!
  • Oven cleaning, included in the service - Our vacate cleaning solutions come with a deep oven cleaning service, free of charge, for your convenience.
  • Additional services are available upon request - These services include wall spot cleaning, blinds wiping, balcony and garage cleaning, and numerous other options!
  • Detailed end of lease cleaning checklist - Following REA-endorsed checklists for move out cleaning, our team ensures every corner of the house is spotlessly clean!
  • Advanced cleaning products - Professional cleaning equipment and high-quality detergents are used in the cleaning process to ensure top-notch results.
End of lease cleaning

What is the procedure for our vacate cleaning services

Our professional cleaners use a comprehensive end of tenancy cleaning checklist, ensuring that every corner of your rental unit is left sparkling clean!


Our end of lease cleaning team will commence by thoroughly cleaning the kitchen, including a deep cleaning of the oven. Special attention will be dedicated to the oven hob, hood, and splashback. All cupboards will receive cleaning both inside and out, and work surfaces, sinks, and taps will be sanitised. Then, the cleaning team will proceed to wipe all hard floors.


In the bathroom, our fantastic cleaners are doing a deep clean! They'll leave cupboards and cabinets spotless, make the shower, bathtub, and tiles shine, thoroughly clean the toilet, and dust and wipe down vents. Plus, they'll polish mirrors and mop the floor for a fresh and clean bathroom!


Our move-out cleaning team will clean and organise each bedroom in the rental property. That includes thorough vacuuming to eliminate every trace of hair and dust bunnies, and polishing all surfaces to restore a pristine appearance. Additionally, our professionals will employ high-quality cleaning products to ensure the windows are spotless. Rest assured, you can leave everything to us - we've got it all under control!

Living room and hallway

Our team is on it for a thorough cleaning. They'll vacuum and mop the floors, making every surface sparkle. They'll take care of built-in cabinets and wardrobes, and pay special attention to doors, door frames, and light switches. Plus, they'll clean all the windows from the inside, letting that natural light shine through crystal clear. Skirting boards will be carefully wiped, eliminating any accumulated dust or dirt. Every detail will be attended to, ensuring a thorough and immaculate result.

Take your vacate cleaning in Mitcham further with these additional services


The skilled handyman can undertake a variety of repairs and maintenance tasks around the property, both indoors and outdoors. Ready to address your specific needs, the professional comes equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment. In case a particular part is required, the specialist can also handle the shopping for you, ensuring the right materials are procured.

Tile and grout cleaning

Using advanced floor detergents and a high-pressure heat rinse, this service delivers results beyond what traditional cleaning methods can achieve. The solution is applied to the tiles and grout, agitating to loosen dirt and grime. Afterwards, any excess water is mopped away. The advantages of this service include revitalising the appearance of your tiled floor and extending its lifespan by maintaining a germ and bacteria-free environment.

Blinds cleaning

Add this vital part of vacate cleaning to your cleaning checklist to go further than a standard dusting and make sure no hidden dirt sets you back when it comes to getting your bond back from your landlord.

Wall spot cleaning

Do you have a stubborn spot on your wall that seems resistant to cleaning? Fantastic Services has got you covered! Upon request, the end of lease cleaners can clean the walls, using a professional wall spot treating solution. Therefore, feel free to reach out to us with any additional specific requests you may have!


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Mitcham:

1-bedroom property

Mitcham Feb 29, 2024
Hi, I live in an unfurnished 1-bed flat in Mitcham and would like a quote for bond back guarantee cleaning including carpets, oven, and window cleaning. The flat is kept in a
very clean good condition. Also, I would like a quote for performing a clean pre-move in to a 4bed, 2 bath house. The idea is that you would clean the house to make the moving process a bit easier. Is this a service you perform? There are no carpets and the oven is new. How much would the above two services cost?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet, Window

1-bedroom property

Mitcham Feb 15, 2024
Searching for a quote for vacate cleaning for a one bedroom flat in Mitcham. The move-out inspection is scheduled for the 17th of next month. How much will it cost in total? T
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

2-bedroom house

Mitcham Jun 13, 2024
Good morning. I have a 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom townhouse that needs a bond cleaning. I also need carpets hwe cleaning done in both bedrooms. No stains, just a regular usage.
Thank you.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet, Wall Spot cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Mitcham cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Mitcham is $586.

On average, 40% of our clients chooses to enrol in the Fantastic Club, enjoying the advantages of saving money.

Most common properties in Mitcham have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is commonly paired with steam carpet cleaning and pest control services.

$255 $586 $759

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Mitcham bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Mitcham

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Book an affordable end of lease cleaning service in Mitcham!