Professional End of Lease Cleaning in West Melbourne

Expert local team of cleaners will complete the hard work for you!

  • Free quotes and re-cleans!
  • 72-hour bond back guarantee!
  • Professional equipment and detergents!
  • Paying close attention to detail!
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Book your vacate cleaning service in just minutes


Tell us where you are

Fill in your postcode. You can also easily book and manage your service from your phone by downloading our GoFantastic app.

Tell us your cleaning needs

Tell us about your or your landlord's cleaning preferences, so we can tailor the service according to your needs!

What time would be good for you?

From our real-time availability, choose a date and time that will work best for you. We also work on public holidays!

Complete your request

If you're unable to meet the team on-site, you can leave keys with a neighbour or confirm a place where we can find them.
End of lease cleaning

Enjoy the perks of our end of tenancy cleaning service in West Melbourne

End of lease cleaning Melbourne that is reliable and sets us apart! Fantastic Services can handle all your rental property cleaning needs, offering comprehensive exit cleaning services in Melbourne. Rest easy knowing we provide a bond back guarantee, ensuring your peace of mind. Our transparent approach includes upfront information on lease cleaning costs, making it hassle-free for you.

  • Fantastic Club benefits - Become a Fantastic Club member and benefit from premium booking, special rates and credits towards future services for the entire year ahead.
  • Affordable prices - With no hidden fees, you will receive a free, no-obligation quote based on the layout of your property.
  • Service guaranteed - We'll offer to re-clean your property free of charge if your landlord isn't totally satisfied with the cleaning results. Our team will make sure you get your bond back!
  • Key pick-up upon request - If you cannot attend your service appointment, we can arrange a key pick-up.
  • Commercial move-out cleaning - Relocating to a new office? Let us clean your old premises and restore them to a perfectly rentable condition again to your landlord's delight!
  • Fully equipped team of professionals - Your exit cleaning will be performed by a team of highly trained and qualified cleaners with years of industry experience.

The move-out cleaning in more detail

Our agency-approved end of tenancy cleaning checklist ensures that your property is thoroughly cleaned. Our team of lease cleaners is all about delivering top-notch bond cleaning services, leaving no corner untouched during the cleaning process. We go the extra mile, giving your property a thorough cleaning that goes beyond the basics, leaving it spotless for the next chapter.

Kitchen cleaning

When it comes to the kitchen, our professional end of lease cleaners will wipe all the surfaces and worktops, will take care all appliances, cupboards, sink and taps to be cleaned well. They will even clean your oven inside and out, vacuum and mop the floors, and empty out the bins.

Bathroom and laundry room

Bathrooms, toilets and laundry facilities will receive special attention. Bathrooms, toilets and laundry facilities will receive special attention. Our team of expert cleaners uses strong descaling detergents that remove any lingering mould growth and limescale. Everything in the bathroom will sparkle when we give them a thorough polish.

Bedroom cleaning

Your move-out cleaning team will remove all bed linens and pillowcases, vacuum all floors (collecting hair and dust bunnies), polish all surfaces, and wash the windows using our speciality cleaning solutions. They will also thoroughly clean and organise each bedroom in the apartment.

Living room and hallway cleaning

Our bond cleaning crew will take care of everything – will vacuuming and mopping the floors, dusting and cleaning all surfaces, including built-in cabinets or wardrobes, cleaning the insides of windows, sills, and tracks, getting rid of spider webs, cleaning the doors, door frames, and doorknobs, and even giving those light fittings a good dusting.

Add any of these extra services to your vacate cleaning in West Melbourne!

Mattress cleaning

Do you think that your mattresses need additional care? The good news is that Fantastic Services is also able to assist with that! To successfully eliminate all traces of dirt, dust mites, stains, and odours from your bed components, schedule an appointment for our professional mattress cleaning service. Every kind of mattress is cleaned by us, no matter the size!

Outside window cleaning

We can provide you with exterior and interior window cleaning services to combine with your vacate cleaning service if needs be. We use a water-fed extension pole cleaning equipment for exterior window washing. Because only purified water is used to operate the equipment, this method is entirely environmentally benign. Glass doors and windows within are cleaned conventionally.

Carpet cleaning

Add carpet steam cleaning to your vacate cleaning appointment and enjoy the benefits of our steam carpet cleaning solutions performed with the latest hot water extraction machine. It may eliminate stains and foot traffic lanes from your floor coverings, effectively sanitising synthetic and mixed-fiber carpets and rugs. Add carpet cleaning to your vacate cleaning appointment to get some discounts in the process, too.

Jet washing

Our modern, environmentally friendly jet washing technology can efficiently remove mildew, dirt, and stains from any type of patio, decking, pavement, or road. Whatever material hard surfaces are made of outside—natural stone, brick, concrete, treated wood, and more—we can freshen them up.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from West Melbourne:

1-bedroom property

West Melbourne Feb 23, 2024
Hi, I am leaving an 1 bed apartment in West Melbourne and would like a price for end of lease cleaning including: carpets, oven, windows with blinds only from inside. I need i
t by the end of the month. Thanks.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

1-bedroom property

West Melbourne Apr 20, 2024
Hi, can I get a quote for deep cleaning of a vacating property in West Melbourne. It's a one-bedroom flat with living room and a kitchen. Please include the carpets for deep p
rofessional cleaning. Thank you.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet, Blinds cleaning

2-bedroom flat

West Melbourne May 24, 2024
Hi, I am vacating a rental property soon so I need to bond clean the flat. There are two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen and a hallway. Both bedrooms are carpeted. Could you p
lease send me a price by email? Contact me if you need more details. Thanks.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in West Melbourne cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in West Melbourne is $577.

On average, 42% of our clients join the Fantastic Club to save money.

Most common properties in West Melbourne have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is often booked together with pest-proofing services and steam carpet cleaning.

$259 $577 $854

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Working hours and end of lease cleaning West Melbourne coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: West Melbourne

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3003

From our service gallery

Book a top-notch end of lease cleaning service in West Melbourne!