What makes our house cleaning service in Bundaberg so special?
Whether you want a deep cleaning of your whole house or a simple fix up, just to brighten up the place, we can provide it. You can choose from regular domestic, where the cleaners can come weekly or fortnightly, or an hourly based one-off service.
The difference is the depth. Regular domestic is mostly used to keep a tidy environment, while the deep spring cleaning, for example, is when you want to make the house feel like home again. In both types of services, you need to give the cleaners a checklist with priorities, as they are hourly based.
So it’s all very flexible and moulded by your preferences. Hey, sometimes we’ve even done properties for 6 hours straight, but in the end, the whole house looks like it came out of a furniture magazine.
But wait, there is more!
You don’t have to restrain yourself with just house cleaning. Since we are Fantastic, you can book many other professional services:
- Carpet cleaning (hot water extraction)
- Window cleaning
- Oven cleaning
- Fridge cleaning
- Blinds wiping
- Wall spot cleaning
- Upholstery and mattress cleaning
average job cost
booked window cleaning too
average job duration
You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more
If you are not convinced, take a look at our numbers
How much does a cleaning service in Bundaberg cost?
The average price of cleaning services in Bundaberg is $210.
Average job duration is around 3 hours. This is because people who book cleaners in Bundaberg prefer to just get general cleaning without specialised services.
24% of people booked window cleaning as an extra service. Fantastic Club was also a desired combination for cheaper prices.

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months
Check prices and availability in Bundaberg
Local line: 1300 233 268
Local office: 0
Working hours
- Monday 8am - 6pm
- Tuesday 8am - 6pm
- Wednesday 8am - 6pm
- Thursday 8am - 6pm
- Friday 8am - 6pm