You've got rodents? Fantastic Pest Control is at hand to help!
The Risks of Postponing Your Professional Rodent Control Appointment
Fantastic Services will provide you with certified pest controllers , who have the experience to determine the level and nature of the damage that may have been already done by rodents in your home. People are often unsure of whether they are confronted with a single intruder like a possum or they have been exposed to a family of rats, rummaging through their property every night. An expert examination, followed by an effective pest control treatment will prevent you from the detrimental effects that rats or mice can cause in the future.
That being said, if you have rodent problems, it’s most likely you have a rat problem. They are a huge issue in Australia for two reasons:
- They can damage your property quite easily
- Spread diseases
Don’t underestimate the damages a rat can make. Like any other rodent rats have to gnaw on their teeth. And they will gnaw on your walls, roof, water pipes, electric cables. A hole in the wall can be easily fixed, but a fire or water damage could be devastating. And those not-so-little critters cause that to hundreds of Australian homes every year.
That’s why we have a very thorough process of investigating the threat and never neglecting an area.

But what if you have mice?
Mice should be treated the same way as rats. They are smaller in size and usually don’t leave the same damages, but you shouldn’t underestimate them.
Thanks to their smaller size they can easily fit through all small gaps in your house. There they will find food, shelter and the perfect conditions for a breeding area. Mice can multiply very quickly. One female can have around 7 litters per year on average. One litter can have around 8 new mice. And there is no seasonality. So you can do the math and figure out how quickly they can become an issue for you.
But don’t you worry, we will get rid of them too.