Affordable End of Lease Cleaning in Dandenong

Get your bond back with a reliable move out cleaning!

  • 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed
  • Fully trained vacate cleaning teams near you
  • A 72-hours bond back guarantee
  • Oven deep cleaning included in the service
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Enter your postcode in the booking form and proceed to the next step, in order to schedule your move-out cleaning service.

What are your specific cleaning needs?

Share some details about your bond cleaning needs, such as size and overall condition of the property.

What time would be good for you?

Check online our real-time availability, so you can choose the date and time that suit you best.

Your booking is completed!

That’s all! Your team of vacate cleaners will arrive promptly on the appointed day.

Why book an end of lease cleaning service in Dandenong?

When you choose us for your cleaning service provider, you get many perks and benefits:

  • Flexible appointments - The cleaners work with flexible schedules, so we take into consideration your availability.
  • Join Fantastic Club to amplify your benefits - enjoy special rates, exclusive offers, and more!
  • Fully equipped cleaning teams - The team of vacate cleaners will arrive equipped with all the cleaning supplies and equipment needed for the job.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed - The end of lease cleaning service is not an hourly-based one, so the team will leave only after every cleaning task is diligently completed.
  • Sustainable methods - We rely mostly on eco-friendly cleaning products and strive to bring the use of harsh chemical products to a minimum.
  • All-in-one solutions - You can manage all your cleaning needs in a single booking with Fantastic Services! In this case more is less, the more services you combine with us, the less you pay! Ideal for tenants, landlords or real estate agents.
end of lease cleaning

The end of lease cleaning in more detail

Rely on a team of professionals for your end-of-lease cleaning needs, and rest assured with a 72-hour guarantee that ensures you get your bond back! They can follow an agency-approved lease cleaning checklist or adhere to your specific requirements.


All appliances present in the rental property will be cleaned and polished. The fridge will be cleaned thoroughly, inside and out, and special attention will be given to a detailed deep clean of the oven. The professional cleaners will also scrub all sinks, countertops, cupboards and tile surfaces. As well as mop all floors diligently.


All toilets and bathtubs will be scrubbed, cleaned and sanitised as a part of your bond cleaning service. All work is done with powerful detergents. The mirror will be polished, and everything will be disinfected, including the floor.

Living room / Dining area

The floor and any soft furniture will be thoroughly vacuumed. The lease cleaners will mop all floor types - vinyl, wooden, tiled. Dust will be removed from all surfaces, spider webs will be cleared, and we'll wipe clean all light switches, fittings, skirting boards, door knobs, and any wooden furniture pieces."

Bedrooms and hallways

We will diligently vacuum and mop non-carpeted floors. All furniture will be wiped to remove dust and sticky stains. Mirrors will receive a thorough polishing, and closets will be cleaned and ventilated. Cobwebs will be removed, too.

What other Fantastic cleaning services we offer in Dandenong

In addition to our bond cleaning services, we offer a full range of professional solutions:

Pressure cleaning

Whether you’ve got a patio, decking, pavement or driveway, it can be perfectly cleaned from mould, mud and stains with sustainable yet highly-effective jet washing equipment. The experienced teams can carefully and safely clean and spruce up outdoor surfaces including natural stone, treated wood, concrete, brick and more.

Carpet cleaning

If you are vacating a carpeted apartment, why not consider booking our deep carpet cleaning service, too? We offer new-generation carpet thorough cleaning solutions. For synthetic carpeting, we use the hot water extraction cleaning method, while rugs made of natural fibres can be cleaned with the dry-cleaning method. You can also add carpet protection, which prevents spillages from forming stains and protects your carpets for up to 6 months.

Upholstery cleaning

The hot water extraction method is also effective for cleaning upholstered furniture. It begins with a comprehensive vacuuming, followed by the injection of hot water and a potent cleaning solution into the sofa or armchair. Subsequently, the soiled mixture is extracted from the fabric, resulting in clean, refreshed furniture that's only slightly damp.

Window cleaning

The expert window cleaners use a simple yet highly effective method for exterior window cleaning. Using purified water and extension poles, the cleaners and reach high windowsills and frames, glass panes, etc. The Fantastic window cleaners are experienced in cleaning all types of windows, positioned up to the 4th floor of a building.


average job cost


average service duration


of people got window cleaning too


landlords satisfied

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

End of lease cleaning quotes from Dandenong

3 Bedroom Unit

Dandenong May 11, 2024
Hi, I need to book a lease cleaning company for a 3 bedroom property, 2 bathrooms. Has to be done before the 30th of January. (3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 carpets, dining room,
study room, kitchen)
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

3 Bedroom House

Dandenong Jan 24, 2024
Hello, I have a two-storey three-bedroom 2.5 bathroom carpet throughout that will require steam cleaning. Looking for a bond back guarantee. Thanks!

Service: End of lease cleaning

1 Bedroom Property

Dandenong Mar 19, 2024
Hi, may I please have a quote for a one-bedroom, one-bathroom unit with a small balcony for bond cleaning and carpet cleaning? The date of clean will be Thursday 5th September
. Email is best for quote thank you
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Dandenong cost?

Our customers pay $595 on average for move out cleaning in your area.

You can join the 45% of our customers in the area and become a Fantastic Club member to save more money.

Average duration of a move out cleaning in Dandenong is 4 hours

This service is usually booked with our pest management service.

$300 $595 $750

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Check prices and availability in Dandenong

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Dandenong

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 2020

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