Benefit from Our Professional End of Lease Cleaning Services in St Albans

Get your bond back with a vacate cleaning service that leaves every corner and surface spotless!

  • Paying close attention to detail!
  • All equipment and detergents provided!
  • 72-hours bond back guarantee with re-cleaning options!
  • Top-to-bottom cleaning of the whole property!
Enter your postcode

Book your end of lease cleaning service online in 4 quick steps


Fill in your postcode

Enter your postcode in the booking form on our website. Additionally, you can explore our GoFantastic mobile app for convenience.

What are your specific cleaning needs?

Share some details about your vacate cleaning needs, such as the size and overall condition of the rental property.

Select a time and date

Choose a time slot that will suit you! We operate seven days a week, including public holidays, with no additional fees!

Now, wait for the professional cleaners to arrive

Submit your booking and relax! Your assigned end of lease cleaners will arrive while you enjoy your free time.

Benefit from numerous perks with our bond cleaning services in St Albans

By ensuring you with more than you have bargained for, we guarantee you a first-class cleaning experience!

  • Fantastic Club perks - From priority booking to credits towards future services, you get to enjoy multiple benefits when part of our Fantastic Club.
  • Environmentally friendly detergents - We rely mostly on eco-friendly cleaning products and strive to bring the use of harsh chemical products to a minimum.
  • Easy booking steps - Obtain a free quote whenever you contact us via phone or chat, 24/7.
  • End of lease cleaning checklist approved by REA - Our cleaning team follows an agency-approved checklist to guarantee every corner of the house is left sparkling clean!
  • Advanced cleaning products - We use the most effective industry-grade cleaning products, supplies and equipment to achieve the best possible results.
  • Businesses are also welcome - If you're relocating your business, feel free to book our vacate cleaning service without hesitation. The experienced cleaners specialise in commercial move-out cleaning, as well.
End of lease cleaning

How our end of lease cleaning St Albans works

Our end of lease cleaning services are suitable for tenants, landlords, real estate agencies, and if you're buying or selling a property.

Kitchen cleaning

The bond cleaning crew will start by sanitising the kitchen appliances. They'll give special attention to the oven, ensuring a thorough deep clean inside and out, and they'll also focus on the stovetop, range hood, and splashback. Every surface, including shelves and countertops, will be dusted, wiped, and polished. Moreover, they'll clean both the interiors and exteriors of all cupboards, while ensuring sinks, taps, and tiled surfaces are descaled and sanitised.

Bathrooms and toilets

The shower area, bathtub, shower screen, and tiles will be deeply cleaned and descaled. Extensive attention will be given to both wall and floor tiles to achieve a flawless appearance. Sanitising the toilet will be a priority, while the sink and mirror will be thoroughly polished. Following this, the cleaning process will extend to the cupboards, cabinets, and floors, ending with a final mopping to ensure a spotless result.

Bedroom cleaning

Moving on, the team will tackle the cleaning of every bedroom in the house, following a detailed end of lease cleaning checklist. They'll start by thoroughly vacuuming and mopping the floors using appropriate cleaning solutions. Every built-in cabinet, wardrobe, and shelf will receive a careful wipe-down. Any cobwebs found will also be removed by the cleaners.

Living room and hallway cleaning

The team will ensure all living areas, including the living room and dining room, receive a thorough vacuuming. They'll also vacuum any soft furnishings present. Professionals will eliminate dust from wooden fixtures and window sills, while also polishing trimwork, door handles, and the mantlepiece. Additionally, any hard floors in these areas will be mopped.

We offer more than vacate cleaning services in St Albans

Jet washing

Transform your home's exterior with Fantastic Services! Our jet washing service ensures a thorough cleaning of outdoor hard surfaces, eliminating mould, mildew, and unsightly stains. Using eco-friendly cleaning techniques, we revitalise a variety of exterior spaces, including pool areas, garage floors, decks, fencing, walls, and paving, enhancing your home's overall appearance.


Arrange for a skilled handyman to visit your rental property and tackle various repair and maintenance tasks before you leave. They'll come equipped with all the necessary tools and basic materials like plugs, nuts, and bolts. The proficient professionals we collaborate with are highly qualified and experienced, ready to offer same-day service if urgent issues need immediate attention.

Carpet cleaning

To get your bond back in full, you can book deep carpet cleaning with your exit cleaning services if applicable, of course. This method enhances the chances of your landlord returning your bond to you without deducting any amount. Depending on the material the rugs or wall-to-wall carpeting in the unit are made of, you can choose from our dry carpet cleaning or hot water extraction cleaning solutions.

Blinds cleaning

Exit cleaning of some properties shouldn't be finished without making sure the blinds have had ingrained dirt as well as dust removed from in between each individual slat. Request this to your service to make sure that's exactly what gets done.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from St Albans:

1-bedroom property

St Albans VIC Jan 18, 2024
Hello, I need an end of lease bond cleaning, deep carpet cleaning (deodorizing + stain removal), pest control and flea treatment. It is a one-bedroom flat, there is no carpet
in the kitchen. It also has a balcony. Could you please let me know how much will cost be this.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

5-bedroom property

St Albans VIC Jun 02, 2024
Hi. I need an end of lease cleaning for around the 22nd or 23rd next month. We have 4 bedrooms, plus a small separate apartment. Do you offer window cleaning as well? Let me k
now by email what would be the price for all. No carpets.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

2-bedroom unit

St Albans VIC Jan 14, 2024
Hi! In need of EOL cleaning of 2-bedroom unit, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/dining area and balcony. If you could also provide an additional optional item for the walls and also the c
arpets (for 2 bedrooms) that would be appreciated.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in St Albans cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in St Albans is $580.

On average, 45% of our clients choose to become Fantastic Club members to access money-saving benefits.

Most common properties in St Albans have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning often pairs with carpet steam cleaning for comprehensive property care.

$264 $580 $780

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

St Albans bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: St Albans VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3021

From our service gallery

Request end of lease cleaning services in St Albans that go the extra mile!