High-quality End of Lease Cleaning in Cheltenham and Near Areas

Trust the Fantastic experts with your vacate cleaning needs!

  • Specialised bonuses for Fantastic Club members!
  • Non-time-limited service, we stay until needed!
  • Enjoy a thorough cleaning of your entire property!
  • All equipment and detergents provided!
Enter your postcode

Book your bond cleaning with just 4 steps!


Fill in your postcode

You can use the contact form on our website or download the GoFantastic app to submit your bond back cleaning request.

Tell us exactly what we need to do

Let us know about your end of lease cleaning requirements and any specifics about your property that you believe are important for us to know.

Schedule your service

Move out cleaning in Cheltenham can be scheduled any day of the week and at weekends for your convenience.

Finish your booking

Complete your secure online payment, and leave the rest to us! We'll arrange for a vacate cleaning team near your location to provide the service.

Why choose our end of lease cleaning services in Cheltenham?

The professional cleaners that carry out your deep cleaning are vetted, police checked, trained, and fully insured. You can also count on us for:

  • Bond back guarantee - If you or your landlord aren't happy with the results in the next 72h, the team will come back to re-clean, free of charge!
  • Availability every day of the week - You can schedule the end of lease cleaning service any day of the week, including weekends and public holidays.
  • Commercial vacate cleaning - Don't hesitate to book a bond cleaning service if you are relocating your business! The experienced lease cleaners specialise in commercial move-out cleaning, as well.
  • Key pick-up available upon request - Your local cleaning team can conveniently pick up keys from a nearby location, offering convenience for both tenants and landlords.
  • Service, executed by professionals - Your assigned team will arrive bringing a set of equipment and professional cleaning products necessary for the task.
  • Trustworthy customer support agents - If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. Our friendly customer support team is here to assist you with any inquiries you may have.
End of lease cleaning

What's included in our vacate cleaning services in Cheltenham

All bond cleaners use an extensive end of lease cleaning checklist to ensure every corner of your rental property is shining clean!

Kitchen cleaning

All kitchen appliances will receive thorough sanitisation and polishing. The oven will be deep cleaned inside and out. The refrigerator and freezer will be comprehensively wiped down, while the sink, cupboards, and kitchen countertops will be diligently scrubbed and sanitised.

Bathroom polishing

The team will clean the bathroom, toilet, and laundry room. They'll use specialised descaling solutions to tackle persistent limescale and mould buildup on the walls, floor, shower cabin, bathtub, sink, and toilet. Moreover, they'll sanitise taps and shower fittings, polish the mirror, and remove dust from storage units, ensuring a deep cleaning.

Bedrooms cleaning

The entire property will receive a thorough cleaning, leaving no space overlooked. Bedrooms will be deeply vacuumed, and surfaces including shelves, light fixtures, skirting boards, doorknobs, and furnishings will be dusted and polished. Interior windows in every room will be washed, ensuring a dazzling shine, extending the cleaning to both the inside and outside of window sills and frames, resulting in an overall radiant finish.

Living room and hallway cleaning

Finally, the end of tenancy cleaning professionals will go around all remaining rooms, such as hallways, living room and dining room, and carefully clean every surface. Spider webs will be removed. Any soft furnishing, if applicable, will be vacuumed. After the cleaners have finished, if you think we've missed something or your landlord is not satisfied with the results, the team will come back to re-clean, free of charge!

What additional cleaning services we specialise in and offer in Cheltenham

Carpet cleaning

Are you vacating a carpeted rental property? Then, take advantage of our deep carpet cleaning solutions to make sure that the floor coverings are fully sanitised and stain-free for the future tenants of the property. Surely, your landlord will be more than delighted to give you your bond back in full. We employ the use of both the hot water extraction and dry carpet cleaning techniques, depending on the material of the carpeting.


We're able to schedule a handyman to come to your rental property and handle various repair and maintenance tasks before your move-out date. They'll arrive fully equipped, carrying basic materials like plugs, nuts, and bolts. The skilled technicians we collaborate with are extensively experienced and qualified, and they can provide a same-day service for urgent issues.

Blinds cleaning

Did you know that Fantastic Services also provides a blind cleaning service? You can simply request it in addition to your end of lease cleaning service and we will make sure to wipe down and deeply clean your blinds with specialised detergents without even having to remove them.

Tile and grout cleaning

Using professional floor detergents and a high-pressure heat rinse, this service achieves results beyond what traditional cleaning methods can offer. The process involves applying detergent to the tiles and grout, agitating to loosen dirt and grime, and then mopping away any excess water. This service not only rejuvenates the appearance of your tiled floor but also extends its lifespan by keeping it free from germs and bacteria.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Cheltenham:

2-bedroom house

Cheltenham VIC Feb 23, 2024
Morning. I have a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom small house that needs a bond cleaning. I also need carpets hwe cleaning done in both bedrooms. No stains, just a regular usage. Thank
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet, Wall Spot cleaning

1-bedroom property

Cheltenham VIC Mar 21, 2024
Hi, I live in an unfurnished 1 bed flat in Cheltenham and would like a quote for end of lease cleaning including: carpets, oven, windows. The flat is kept in a very cleangood
condition. Also, I would like a quote for performing a clean pre-move in to a 4bed, 2 bath house. The idea is that you would clean the house to make the moving process a bit easier. Is this a service you perform? There are no carpets and the oven is new. How much would the above two services cost?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet, Window

Small apartment

Cheltenham VIC Jun 21, 2024
Good afternoon. I need a double-bedroom flat cleaned for a deposit back. There is a carpet in the two bedrooms. Do you offer window cleaning as well? It's located in Cheltenha
m. Can I get a quote first? Thank you for your time.
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Cheltenham cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Cheltenham is $586.

Around 40% of our clients choose to join the Fantastic Club to enjoy money-saving opportunities.

Most common properties in Cheltenham have 2 bedrooms.

Customers frequently combine end of lease cleaning with carpet steam cleaning.

$279 $586 $794

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Cheltenham bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Cheltenham VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Book hassle-free bond cleaning services in Cheltenham today!