High-quality End of Lease Cleaning Service in Heidelberg

Schedule our vacate cleaning services that will impress your landlord and ensure the return of your lease deposit!

  • Detailed end of tenancy cleaning checklist!
  • Experienced team of professionals!
  • Numerous benefits for Fantastic Club members!
  • Free re-cleaning within 72 hours as part of our bond back guarantee!
Enter your postcode

Schedule your bond cleaning services effortlessly


Enter your postcode

Enter your postcode into the form provided on this website. You can also try out our GoFantastic mobile app.

What are your specific cleaning needs?

Let us know the size of your rental property and any specific cleaning requests you may have so that we can prepare accordingly.

Schedule your service

Check online our real-time availability, so you can choose the day and time that suit you the most.

Submit your booking

Your booking is submitted! All you need to do now is await the arrival of the end of lease cleaners for the session.

Why book an end of lease cleaning service in Heidelberg with us?

Benefit from the number of perks our move-out cleaning service in Heidelberg has to offer!

  • 72-hours bond back guaranteed - If you or your landlord aren't happy with the results in the next 72h, the team will come back to re-clean, free of charge!
  • Industry-grade cleaning products and tools - Professional cleaning equipment and high-quality detergents are used in the cleaning process to ensure top-notch results.
  • Fantastic Club benefits - Join the Fantastic Club to access special rates, exclusive offers, and much more!
  • Key pick-up upon request - The cleaners can pick up keys from another location near the rental address to make things easier for tenants and landlords.
  • Helpful customer support agents - Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have a query, and our friendly customer service team will be happy to help you out.
  • Serving tenants and landlords alike - Our service is perfect for tenants, landlords, real estate agents, and people either selling or buying a house.
End of lease cleaning

Discover the process of our vacate cleaning in Heidelberg

We follow an agency-approved end of lease cleaning checklist to guarantee your property is cleaned up to the highest standard!

Kitchen cleaning

All kitchen appliances (if furnished) will be carefully cleaned and polished. The refrigerator will be wiped, and special attention will be given to the detailed deep cleaning of the oven. Furthermore, tiled surfaces, countertops, kitchen cupboards, and the sink will be thoroughly scrubbed. Finally, the floor will be diligently mopped.

Bathroom polishing

The bond back cleaning team dedicates the necessary time to scrub and sanitise the toilet, bathtub, and all surfaces in your bathroom. This involves polishing mirrors, the vanity, the shower cabin, storage units, and bathroom accessories. They'll descale and wipe the tiles and conclude by mopping and disinfecting the bathroom floor.


The bedrooms will receive thorough vacuuming for a pristine space, including cobweb removal. Interior windows, frames, and sills will be washed. Furthermore, built-in cabinets, wardrobes, door frames, light fittings, and railings will be dusted and wiped down, ensuring extensive cleaning.

Living room and hallway cleaning

Finally, the vacate cleaners will go around all remaining rooms, such as hallways, living room and dining room, and thoroughly clean every surface. Cobwebs will be removed. Any soft furniture, if applicable, will be vacuumed. After the cleaners have finished, if you think we've missed something or your landlord is not satisfied with the results, the team will come back to re-clean, free of charge!

What other Fantastic cleaning services we offer in Heidelberg

Mattress cleaning

Need some extra care for your mattresses? Fantastic Services has you covered! Book our professional mattress cleaning service to effectively remove debris, dust mites, stubborn stains, and unpleasant odours from your bed pieces. Our professional cleaners cater to all types and sizes of mattresses!

Exterior window cleaning

Interior window washing is included in your exit cleaning package. You also have the choice to arrange for exterior window washing to guarantee impeccably clean windows on the outside. Our technicians, equipped with advanced technology using purified water, can restore the sparkle to your outdoor windows.

Gutter cleaning

If your house gutters haven't seen a clean in a while, no problem! Fantastic Services can assist with that too! Arrange professional cleaning for your gutters and downpipes to ensure they're blockage-free. Our advanced equipment easily removes leaves and debris from your gutter system, preventing water damage, fire hazards, and pest problems, and overall maintaining the value of your home.

Rubbish removal

If you need help disposing of garden waste or just a general rental property clean-up, our rubbish removals service is perfect for you. The waste will be loaded onto the truck's rear, and once collected, we'll sweep the area to leave it as tidy as can be. This eco-friendly service includes loading, transportation, and disposal, ensuring that a maximum amount of waste is recycled.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Heidelberg:

3-bedroom house

Heidelberg Jun 19, 2024
I need a quote for a 3-bedroom EOL thorough cleaning. The carpet in 2 small bedrooms and on the staircase will need to be deep cleaned. It would be good to have the service th
is Sunday 2 bathrooms, hallway, kitchen, living room, 3 carpets.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Heidelberg Feb 16, 2024
Hello, I need end of lease cleaning for a double bedroom rental property, as well as carpet cleaning. Carpets only in the bedrooms. There's also a small study. Can you give a
quote? Waiting for your answer.
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

1-bedroom property

Heidelberg Apr 16, 2024
I'd like to book a professional cleaning. At the end of the lease agreement, it's necessary to clean the apartment thoroughly, which involves steam-cleaning the carpets and wi
ping down the blinds. Wanted to inquire what would be the rates for the sameday and if the cleaning was possible to be done by end of the month.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Heidelberg cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Heidelberg is $587.

On average, about 42% of our customers choose to join the Fantastic Club to access savings.

Most common properties in Heidelberg have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is often arranged alongside pest-proofing services and carpet steam cleaning.

$255 $587 $885

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Heidelberg bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Heidelberg

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3084

From our service gallery

Secure your bond refund by booking our end of lease cleaning services in Heidelberg!