Detailed End of Lease Cleaning Services in Keilor East

The experienced move-out cleaners will do what is needed, so you can get your bond back in full!

  • Fully trained vacate cleaning teams near you!
  • Convenient service - same day, weekends and holidays availability
  • Enviromentally-friendly cleaning techniques.
  • Thorough cleaning that follows the REA checklists!
Enter your postcode

Hassle-free online booking process in 4 steps


Please, enter your postcode

You can use our GoFantastic mobile app or the online form on this page to enter your postcode!

Tell us your service preferences

Please, tell us some information about the size of the rental property and any other specific cleaning needs you might have.

Pick a day and time

From our real-time availability, choose a date and time that will work best for you. We also work on public holidays!

Finish your booking

If you can't meet the team on-site, you can leave keys with a neighbour or confirm a place where we can find them.
End of lease cleaning

The benefits of our bond cleaning in Keilor East

Stress-free end of tenancy cleaning that brings back the fresh look of your rented unit!

  • Serving tenants and landlords alike - Our vacate cleaning services are ideal for tenants, landlords, real estate agencies, and individuals buying or selling a home.
  • Environmentally friendly cleaning methods - We use commercial-grade detergents that are both environmentally friendly and safe to use around children and pets.
  • Fantastic Club deals - Join the Fantastic Club to take advantage of our special rates, credits towards future services, and many other perks.
  • All-in-one solutions - With Fantastic Services, you can address all your cleaning needs in one booking! The more services you add, the better rate you get!
  • 72-hours bond back guaranteed - We offer free re-cleaning in the 72 hours following the service, should you feel that we have missed something.
  • Easy booking procedures - You'll get a free quote whenever you get in touch by phone or chat 24/7.

How our end of tenancy cleaning in Keilor East works

Excellent bond cleaning services that delivers high-quality results at reasonable prices.

Kitchen cleaning

The team will sanitise the kitchen in your rental property for as long as it takes. All built in appliances, as well as the oven, will be thoroughly cleaned and polished. All kitchen cabinets and worktops will also be cleaned and polished. The sink, splashback, and any other tiled surfaces will be cleaned and descaled.


Professionals will clean the toilet, as well as de-lime and descale the shower and bathtub. The sink, vanity, cupboards, mirrors, and surfaces will then be cleaned and polished. The cleaning team will clean the wall and floor tiles as well.

Bedroom cleaning

Our expert cleaning crew will ensure every bedroom in the unit is thoroughly cleaned and organized. They will strip off all bed sheets and pillowcases, meticulously vacuum the floors to eliminate any hair and dust bunnies, polish all surfaces, and use our specialised cleaning products for window cleaning from the inside. Rest assured, there's no need to worry – we've got everything under control!

Living room and hallway cleaning

Finally, the cleaners will turn their attention to the living areas. We will clean railing and the property's windows, frames, and sills from the inside. Dusting will be done on blinds, doorknobs and frames, window sills, skirting boards, railings, and light fixtures. Additionally, if there are any soft furnishings such as sofas and armchairs, we will diligently vacuum them to eliminate dust, debris, and pet hair. In the end, you will have spotless property.

Additional cleaning services you can book with Fantastic Services

Gutter cleaning

Has it been a while since you cleaned your house gutters? No worries, Fantastic Services can assist you with that as well! Schedule efficient cleaning for your gutters and downpipes, and ensure that they're free of any obstructions. We will use cutting-edge equipment to easily unclog your gutter system of leaves and debris, which can otherwise cause water damage, fire hazards, pest infestations, and a decrease in the value of your home.

Blinds cleaning

You can add blind wiping as an optional service to your end-of-tenancy cleaning if you feel that your blinds require more thought and particular treatment. The cleaning technicians will clean and wipe your blinds thoroughly without removing them from the windows.

Rubbish removal

If you need assistance with garden waste removal or a general rental property clean-up, our rubbish removal service is ideal. The trash will be loaded into the back of the truck after collection, and the area will be swept and left as clean as possible. This green loading, transportation, and disposal service also ensures that as much waste as possible is recycled.

Mattress cleaning

Do you feel your mattresses need extra care? The great news is that Fantastic Services can provide assistance with that too! Make an appointment for our deep mattress cleaning service to have all dirt, dust mites, stains, and smells from your bed components effectively removed. We clean all types of mattresses, as well as all sizes!


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Keilor East:

1-bedroom property

Keilor East May 22, 2024
Hello, Could you send me a quote for bond cleaning after moving out? There are 1 bedroom, 1 study, and 1 bathroom in the unit. It is not in bad condition. Do you have availabi
lity for early next week?
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

4-bedroom property

Keilor East Feb 01, 2024
Hi. Please give me a quote for certified bond cleaning of 4 bedroom, living room and dining room (one upstairs). Include in the quote also carpet cleaning (Approx 110sqm). (8
carpets). Thank you.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

1-bedroom property

Keilor East Jan 01, 2024
Good afternoon. I would like to receive a quote for vacate cleaning of 1 bedroom, 2 carpets in Keilor East, 2nd-floor apartment. Could you please send me service information a
nd the price by email?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Keilor East cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Keilor East is $600.

On average, 40% of our clients join the Fantastic Club to save money.

Most common properties in Keilor East have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is frequently booked in conjunction with pest control and steam carpet cleaning.

$255 $600 $802

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Keilor East bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Keilor East

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Book a guaranteed professional end of lease cleaning service in Keilor East!