Affordable Ascot Vale End of Lease Cleaning Services

Book vacate cleaning services online and rest easy knowing that you’ll receive your bond back!

  • No time limit – we stay until we’ve done it all
  • 72-hour bond back guarantee
  • Comprehensive end of tenancy cleaning checklist
  • Free re-clean if needed
Enter your postcode

How you can easily book your end of lease cleaning service


Enter your postcode

Tell us your postal code or download the GoFantastic mobile app!

Tell us your needs

Inform us of what you need done and whether you require any additional services or have any specific cleaning needs.

Check real-time availability slots

See the available appointment slots in real time and make your booking.

Your service is booked

Now all that’s left to do is clear out your property of all personal belongings and let the end of lease cleaners do their magic!

Why should you choose our vacate cleaning service in Ascot Vale?

No task is too big or too small for the Fantastic professionals. Allow us to expertly clean the property and guarantee the return of your bond! Here are some of the reasons why you should choose our comprehensive cleaning services::

  • 100% bond back guarantee - We will re-clean the property free of charge in the next 72 hours if your landlord is not happy with the results.
  • Unlimited-time service - The cleaning team will stay as long as is needed to fully and properly complete their cleaning checklist.
  • Attention to detail - The Fantastic cleaners are experts at what they do, so every spot of the property will be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Key pick-up - For the ease of both landlords and tenants, the cleaners can pick up the property keys from somewhere near the address.
  • Experienced professional cleaners - The vacate cleaning service will be done by fully trained, equipped and insured local technicians.
  • Affordable pricing - No need to break the bank for a vacate cleaning, as our services are affordable, with fixed pricing and no hidden costs!
bond cleaning Gold Coast

What to expect from our bond cleaning services

We will provide you with the most thorough cleaning possible, as our move out cleaning has no time limit. Every part of your rental property will be taken care of, including:

Kitchen cleaning

The cleaning experts will start by cleaning your kitchen. All the cupboards will be cleaned inside and outside. Every surface and bench will be wiped and polished. The vacate cleaners will deep clean the oven, both inside and outside. The stovetop, range hood and splashback will be carefully cleaned. Finally, the floor will be vacuumed and mopped.

Bathroom cleaning

Transitioning to the bathroom, the local cleaners will de-lime and descale the wall, and floor tiles. The sink, toilet and bathtub will be cleaned, polished and disinfected. All cabinets will be cleaned inside and outside. The exhaust fan/vent will be dusted and wiped. Mirrors will be cleaned and shined.

Bedrooms cleaning

Continuing with the lease cleaning checklist, we now move on to the bedrooms and living room. The floor will be vacuumed and mopped, and the skirting boards will be wiped clean. Cabinets and wardrobes will be cleaned, both inside and outside. All windows, window tracks, and window sills will be cleaned from the inside. Doors, door frames, and light switches will be deep cleaned, and any cobwebs will be removed.

Hallways and stairwells cleaning

The stairs and hallways will be vacuumed and mopped. Bannisters and railings will be dusted. All cobwebs will be removed.

Extra cleaning services you can get with your end of lease cleaning

Outside window cleaning

We also provide efficient window cleaning solutions, available for booking either together with or separately from the bond cleaning service. You have the option to choose whether you want the glass panels cleaned from the inside or outside only, or you can book both our exterior and interior window washing sessions. Simply inform us of your specific cleaning preferences during the booking process.

Carpet steam cleaning

Carpets can get very dirty from regular use and you might need something more than regular vacuuming to freshen up the carpets. Here’s where our carpet deep cleaning service comes in! The technicians will bring special equipment and will clean your floor coverings by using the proven method of hot water extraction.

Wall spot cleaning

Many of our customers add a wall spot cleaning to their vacate deep cleaning service. We can remove almost all wall stains for you, but some spots may be more severe and require the services of a painter.

Fridge and freezer cleaning

Fridges and freezers can get very dirty after prolonged use, but we can take care of that problem for you! The appliances will receive a thorough interior cleaning, eliminating all stains and unpleasant odours. The only task you'll need to handle is defrosting the appliance 24 hours before the cleaning.


jobs done


homes spruced up


average property size


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Vacate cleaning quotes from Ascot Vale:

Vacating a house

Ascot Vale Feb 11, 2024
Hello, we're in the process of moving out of a property that is less than 50m2 and in good condition, and we require bond cleaning services. Some areas to look out for are blu
tack residue on walls, the shower, and small water stains on the carpet in the living room from a leak the landlord refuses to fix. How much will it cost?
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

2-bedroom house

Ascot Vale May 26, 2024
Good evening! I'd like to receive more information about end of lease cleaning. What's included in the service? It's for a two-bedroom house. I don`t have carpets. Thank you!

Service: End of lease cleaning

1-bedroom apartment

Ascot Vale Jun 09, 2024
Hello, Can you please send me a quote for end of lease service for a 1-bedroom apartment with a kitchen and living room in one, 1 bathroom? There is carpet only in the bedroom
. Please inform me if you need more details. Thaks!
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Ascot Vale cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Ascot Vale is $575.

On average, 45% of our customers opt to join the Fantastic Club to enjoy cost-saving advantages.

Average duration of a move out cleaning in Ascot Vale is 4 hours and 20 minutes

It's typical for end of lease cleaning to be booked alongside carpet cleaning services.

$295 $575 $795

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Check prices and availability in Ascot Vale

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Ascot Vale

Working hours

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

Postcode coverage: 3032

From our service gallery

Guarantee both your peace of mind and your bond back, book today!