Stress-free End of Lease Cleaning Services in Mount Eliza You Can Rely On

Entrust your vacate cleaning needs to the Fantastic professionals!

  • Bond back guarantee with 72-hour free re-clean!
  • All equipment and detergents provided!
  • Eco-friendly detergents and methods!
  • Estate agency-approved checklist followed!
Enter your postcode

Book your bond cleaning online with a few easy steps


Enter your postcode

We'll then be able to quickly identify a local end of lease cleaning professionals near you.

Arrange the details of your service

Share your end of lease cleaning needs, as well as any details about your property that you think we should know.

Choose a day and time

Set a day and time that will work best for you. Weekend and public holiday sessions are also available at no extra charge!

Confirm your booking

And you're done! Now, just wait for the end of lease cleaning professionals to arrive on time at the property.

Why entrust your bond back cleaning needs to Fantastic Services in Mount Eliza?

Benefit from the number of perks our bond cleaning services in Mount Eliza have to offer!

  • Oven deep cleaning is included - Deep oven cleaning and polishing come at no extra charge for your convenience.
  • 72-hours guaranteed service - Should any issue with the service arise, just contact us within 72 hours and the specialists will address it accordingly.
  • Count on our dependable customer service team - If you have any questions or concerns about your service, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer care representatives.
  • Key pick up upon request - We can organise a key pick-up in case you can't be there for your service appointment.
  • Discounted prices - We reward all our Fantastic Club members with numerous benefits, such as priority booking, special rates and credits they can use when booking services in the future.
  • Environmentally friendly cleaning products - Professional supplies from top-notch suppliers for your end of lease cleaning, ensuring the best possible results.
End of lease cleaning

What's included in our end of lease cleaning Mount Eliza

We stick to a detailed end of lease cleaning checklist to ensure your property is cleaned to the highest standard!


Our proactive approach to kitchen cleaning involves a thorough sanitisation and polishing routine for all appliances. Our end of lease cleaning team will engage in a comprehensive deep-cleaning process for the oven, addressing both its interior and exterior with precision. Taking special care, they'll thoroughly wipe down the refrigerator and freezer, ensuring the elimination of any lingering residue. Moving beyond, the attention will turn to the sink, cupboards, and kitchen tops, where thorough scrubbing and sanitisation are applied.

Bathrooms and toilets

Our friendly team of experienced end of lease cleaners is all about making your bathroom shine. They'll scrub and sanitise the toilet and bathtub, wash the sink, wipe and sanitise the vanity cabinet, and polish the mirror, leaving no corner untouched. They aren't stopping there - every inch, including the floor, gets a good disinfecting. Get ready for a thorough cleaning that leaves your bathroom feeling fresh!


Our move-out cleaning team is dedicated to transforming every bedroom in the property. They will strip off every bed sheet and pillowcase, ensuring a fresh start. The floors will be thoroughly vacuumed, targeting every hair and dust bunny for a spotless finish. All surfaces will receive a polished touch, bringing a gleam to your living spaces. With our professional cleaning products, our specialists will expertly wash the windows, leaving them crystal clear. Rest assured, you don't need to worry about a thing – we have it all under control!

Living area

The professional cleaners will give special attention to all the furniture that comes with the rental unit. Every piece, from cupboards and closets to shelving, is getting a proper cleaning. And the same goes for the smaller details, like doorknobs, skirting boards, and light switches. They'll ensure the removal of cobwebs to leave no corner untouched. Additionally, any soft furniture present will be vacuumed using a powerful vacuum cleaner for a comprehensive cleaning experience.

Extra cleaning services available for booking with Fantastic Services


The skilled handyman is adept at handling a variety of fix-ups and maintenance tasks around the house. Whether it's an interior or exterior project, the professional comes equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment to get the job done. In cases where specific parts are required, the specialist can also take care of the shopping for you, ensuring that the right materials are procured for the task at hand.

Pressure cleaning

Enhance your bond cleaning service by including pressure washing, and we'll ensure thorough cleaning of all outdoor hard surfaces in your backyard. Using industry-grade jet washing equipment, we'll tackle grime, moss, or mildew on surfaces like decking, the driveway, or the patio, leaving them spotlessly clean.

Wall spot cleaning

Ease your worries about the state of your rental property by ensuring the walls are cleaned. Say goodbye to concerns like little handprints, signs of pets, and any other markings, leaving your space looking fresh and well-maintained.

Gutter cleaning

Whether it's commercial or private property, our service covers the cleaning and unblocking of gutters and downspouts. Your professional, equipped with a ladder, will manually remove all leaves and debris build-up. A leaf blower ensures that the gutters are thoroughly clean and clear. All gathered leaves are then bagged and safely disposed of. Opting for this fixed-price service, unlimited in time, not only saves you from costly repairs but also prevents water overflow from seeping into the woodwork.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Mount Eliza:

4-bedroom property

Mount Eliza May 10, 2024
Hello, I'm looking for a quote for an end of lease cleaning service that includes carpet steam cleaning. The property has four bedrooms, and the carpets need attention in thos
e areas. 3 bathrooms. Thanks in advance!
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Mount Eliza Apr 25, 2024
Hi. I am very happy with my bond clean back in Elwood a few years ago! I need a quote for an exit cleaning again for small 2 bedroom unit, one main bathroom one powder room. T
wo carpeted bedrooms steam cleaned.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Mount Eliza Jan 30, 2024
Hello, I'd like to schedule a move-out cleaning service. The agency will arrive on 02. It's 2-bedroom property - no carpets. Do you offer window cleaning as well? Located in M
ount Eliza. Send the price, please. Thank you for your time.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Mount Eliza cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Mount Eliza is $597.

On average, 40% of our customers opt to join the Fantastic Club, taking advantage of money-saving benefits.

Most common properties in Mount Eliza have 2 bedrooms.

Customers frequently combine end of lease cleaning with steam carpet cleaning and pest-proofing services.

$269 $597 $755

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Mount Eliza bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Mount Eliza

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3930

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Book a hassle-free end of lease cleaning in Mount Eliza today!