Bond Back Guarantee with End of Lease Cleaning Services in Pascoe Vale

Let a team of experts help you secure your bond back by using proven cleaning solutions!

  • All cleaning products and equipment provided!
  • Fully insured and trained end of lease cleaners near you!
  • Fantastic discount rates for Club members!
  • Estate agency-approved lease cleaning checklist followed!
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Book your moving out cleaning service hustle-free!


Enter your postcode

Type your postcode in our desktop booking form or book through our user-friendly GoFantastic mobile app!

Share your cleaning needs

In order to give you a precise quote, we need some details, related to the size of the property and whether it's furnished.

Set the date of your service

Explore our current availability in real-time and choose the time slot that best suits your needs. We work all 7 days of the week!

Confirm your booking

That's all! Your team of vacate cleaners will arrive promptly on the appointed day.

What makes our end of tenancy cleaning in Pascoe Vale a local favourite?

Let us know in advance if you have any specific instructions or requests, and your vacate cleaning experts will handle them for you.

  • Oven deep cleaning is included - As part of our vacate cleaning services, we provide a complimentary deep oven cleaning for your convenience.
  • Fantastic Club benefits - Become a Fantastic Club member and benefit from premium booking, special rates and credits towards future services for the entire year ahead.
  • Eco-friendly cleaning approaches - We employ eco-friendly cleaning methods by using industry-grade detergents that are safe for the environment and suitable for use around both children and pets.
  • Affordable prices - Our end of lease cleaning price rates are fixed and based on the property size.
  • Business clients are also welcome - Feel free to schedule a bond cleaning service if you are moving your business! The professional cleaners specialise in commercial cleaning services, as well.
  • No time restrictions on our service - The cleaning team will stay as long as necessary to ensure your landlord is completely satisfied and returns your bond in full.
End of lease cleaning

What to expect from our bond cleaning service in Pascoe Vale

The professional end of tenancy cleaning team will follow the REA-approved cleaning checklist to guarantee your bond back!

Kitchen cleaning

The local cleaning team will start by sanitising your kitchen appliances. They'll give extra care to the oven, ensuring a thorough cleaning inside and out, covering the stovetop, range hood, and splashback. The sinks, taps, and tiled surfaces will be descaled and sanitised, guaranteeing a complete and fresh appearance. Comprehensive cleaning inside and out will be provided for all cupboards.


Afterwards, the lease-end cleaning team will move on to your bathroom, toilet, and laundry room. Specially crafted descaling detergents will be carefully applied to clean and bring a shine to the walls, sink, bathtub, and shower cabin, as well as all taps and shower fixtures. The floor will be meticulously mopped using an appropriate tile-cleaning solution.

Cleaning the Bedrooms

The shelves, light fixtures, skirting boards, doorknobs, and any furnishings will be carefully dusted and polished. Bringing a renewed radiance to your property, the windows on the inside of every room will be washed, leaving them gleaming from top to bottom. Both inside and out, the window sills and frames will receive thorough polishing for an added touch of cleanliness.

Living room and hallway

Our cleaning crew is set to provide comprehensive cleaning for your living room and dining room! Every surface will receive a thorough dusting and wipe-down, ensuring mirrors and light fixtures are left sparkling clean. Each inch of carpet will be vacuumed, while the tiled floors will be treated to a thorough mopping with a cleansing solution. No corner will be overlooked, as even pesky cobwebs will be addressed, and a wipe-down of light switches will be carried out.

Additional help you can benefit from your end of lease cleaning Pascoe Vale

Gutter cleaning

Are the gutters of your rental property due for a proper cleaning? Even if it's not a specific demand from your landlord, taking that extra step to ensure their maintenance can be a proactive way to enhance the chances of securing your deposit. With Fantastic Services, you can order a gutter cleaning service should the roof drainage system have been blocked. You can negotiate some reimbursement conditions with the property owner, of course.

Exterior window cleaning

The expert window team use a simple, yet highly-effective window cleaning method for exterior window cleaning. Using an extension pole and purified water, they'll ensure that the glass panes, window sills, and frames are sparkling clean once again! The Fantastic window cleaners are experienced in cleaning all types of windows, positioned up to the 4th floor of a building.

Mattress cleaning

Do you feel like your mattresses need a bit more care? Well, the good news is that Fantastic Services can assist with that too! Just schedule our professional mattress cleaning service, and we'll efficiently get rid of all debris, dust mites, stains, and odours from your beds. We handle mattresses of all types and sizes!

Blinds cleaning

Were you aware that Fantastic Services offers blind cleaning as part of its service lineup? You can easily request this service alongside your end of lease cleaning session, and we'll ensure your blinds are wiped down and thoroughly cleaned with specialised detergents - all without the need to remove them.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Pascoe Vale:

4-bedroom property

Pascoe Vale May 11, 2024
I would like to ask about a vacate cleaning with carpet steam cleaning in one visit. It's a 4 bedroom property in good condition. We need the service as per the lease agreemen
t. What will it cost?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

1-bedroom property

Pascoe Vale Mar 21, 2024
Good day. I am interested in a quote and details about a bond clean for a one-bedroom property with a living room and a small study. Please send me information by email, thank
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Pascoe Vale Jan 01, 2024
Hi, I need a bond cleaning service. The agency will arrive on 02. It's 2-bedroom property - no carpets. Located in Pascoe Vale. Send a quote, please. Thank you for your time.

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Pascoe Vale cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Pascoe Vale is $596.

Typically, 45% of our customers become members of the Fantastic Club to enjoy cost savings.

Most common properties in Pascoe Vale have 2 bedrooms.

End of lease cleaning is commonly paired with services like pest-proofing and steam carpet cleaning.

$270 $596 $747

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Pascoe Vale bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Pascoe Vale

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Book our end of lease cleaning service to get your bond back in full!