Expert End of Lease Cleaning Services in Preston with Bond Back Guarantee

Book a vacate cleaning service that ensures your landlord's satisfaction and helps you retrieve your lease deposit with a smile!

  • We will deep-clean your oven, too!
  • Done by fully-equipped cleaning professionals!
  • Enjoy a thorough cleaning of your entire property!
  • Eco-friendly detergents and methods!
Enter your postcode

Request your move-out cleaning session with just 4 steps!


Fill in your postcode

Enter your postal code in the online booking form or our easy-to-navigate GoFantastic mobile app!

What are your specific cleaning needs?

Please, share with us some details about the size of the rental unit and any other specific cleaning needs you might have.

Choose a day and time

Set a day and time that suits you the most. This could even be a weekend or a public holiday.

Confirm your request

Finish your booking, then sit back and relax! Before you know it, the end of lease cleaners will be there, fully prepared for the job!

Additional benefits you get when booking our vacate cleaning service in Preston

The professional cleaners handling your bond cleaning are carefully vetted, police-checked, trained and fully insured. You can trust us to deliver:

  • Service, unlimited in time - The cleaning experts work diligently and with strong attention to detail until every task on the end of lease cleaning checklist has been completed.
  • Professional-grade cleaning products and equipment - We use top-tier industry-standard cleaning products, supplies, and equipment to deliver optimal results.
  • Oven cleaning, included in the service - For your convenience and to ensure every corner is left spotless, the cleaners will also deep clean your oven inside and out.
  • Easy booking process - Anytime you reach out via phone or chat, you'll receive a complimentary quote, available 24/7.
  • Commercial end of tenancy cleaning - Fantastic Services also offers commercial vacate cleaning services tailored for offices and various other business properties.
  • Fantastic Club advantages - Join the Fantastic Club to multiply your perks - gain access to exclusive offers, special rates, and a lot more!
End of lease cleaning

Our vacate cleaning process in detail

Our exit cleaning services are suitable for tenants, landlords, real estate agencies, and if you're buying or selling a property.

Kitchen cleaning

The team will start by cleaning the kitchen, thoroughly sanitising and polishing all appliances. They'll pay special attention to the oven, ensuring every bit of tough, accumulated grease inside is completely removed. Additionally, they'll wipe down the shelves, cupboards, counters, and sink, leaving them sparkling clean.

Bathrooms cleaning

The shower area, bathtub, shower screen, and tiles will receive comprehensive descaling and cleaning. Wall and floor tiles will be thoroughly descaled to ensure a pristine appearance. Sanitisation will be carried out for the toilet, while the sink and mirror will be polished. Following this, the cupboards, cabinets, and floors will be cleaned, with mopping to finalise the cleaning process.

Cleaning the bedrooms

Our move-out cleaning team attends to each bedroom, ensuring a comprehensive cleaning process. They handle bed sheet and pillowcase changes, vacuum floors to remove all hair and dust, polish surfaces, and employ specialised cleaning products to achieve sparkling windows. Rest assured, everything is expertly taken care of, allowing you to relax knowing you're in capable hands!

Living room and hallway cleaning

The team will vacuum and mop all floors, clean and polish all surfaces, clean built-in cabinets and wardrobes, clean all windows (inside), wipe skirting boards, remove spider webs, wipe doors, door frames, and light switches.

More services you can request with your vacate cleaning in Preston!

Pressure cleaning

Need to make all the garden hardscape features and hard surfaces presentable, as well? Well, then, why not benefit from our eco-friendly jet cleaning solutions, performed with an advanced jet washing machine? It can effectively remove mould, mud, dirt, moss and stains from any outdoor surfaces, such as pavements, driveways, fences, decks and patios.

Rubbish removal

If you need help getting rid of garden waste or conducting a general clean-up of your rental property, our rubbish removal service is tailored for you. The team will load the rubbish into the truck and diligently sweep the area, leaving it as clean as possible post-collection. That eco-friendly service not only includes loading, transportation, and disposal but also prioritises recycling wherever possible.

Carpet cleaning

Our hot water extraction technique is ideal for cleaning various soft furniture pieces. Following a thorough vacuuming, hot water, and a powerful cleaning detergent are injected into the sofa or armchair. Afterwards, the soiled mixture is removed from the fabric, leaving the furniture clean, refreshed, and slightly damp.


The skilled handyman can handle a range of property fix-ups and maintenance tasks, indoors and outdoors. Whatever the job requires, the technician arrives equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment. In case specific parts are needed, the specialist can also handle the shopping for you, ensuring the right materials are purchased to complete the task efficiently.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Preston:

2-bedroom flat

Preston VIC Mar 15, 2024
Hello, I'll be vacating a rental property soon, so I'm looking to have the flat professionally cleaned. There are two bedrooms, one bathroom, dining area and a stydy. Both bed
rooms are carpeted. Could you please send me a price by email? Contact me if you need more details. Thanks.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

2-bedroom unit

Preston VIC Jun 09, 2024
Hi. I am interested in vacate cleaning of 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a dining room. There are carpets on the floor. Do you offer window cleaning as well? Can you do it by the
end of the month? I'd prefer the earliest morning slot, if available.
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

1-bedroom property

Preston VIC Mar 15, 2024
Can I get a quote for deep cleaning after moving out. There are 1 bedroom, 1 study, and 1 bathroom in the unit. It is not in bad condition. Do you have available slots for ear
ly next week?
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Preston cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Preston is $603.

On average, 45% of our clients opt to join the Fantastic Club for cost-saving benefits.

Most common properties in Preston have 2 bedrooms.

Customers frequently book end of lease cleaning along with carpet steam cleaning.

$266 $603 $778

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Preston bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Preston VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

From our service gallery

Book our professional cleaners in Preston to ensure your bond return!