Professional End of Lease Cleaning Services in Reservoir for Optimal Results

Get your bond back with the assistance of local end of lease cleaners!

  • 72-hours bond back guaranteed service!
  • Non-time-limited service, we stay until needed!
  • Fast online booking in real-time!
  • Fantastic discount rates for Club members!
Enter your postcode

Schedule your bond cleaning online fast and easily


Enter your postcode

Start by typing in your postcode in the dedicated online form or make your booking through our GoFantastic mobile app.

What are your specific cleaning needs?

Provide information about the size of your rental property and specify any additional tasks you require assistance with.

Check the available time slots

Select a day and time that suits your schedule, even if it's a weekend or a public holiday.

Finalise your request

If meeting the team on-site is not possible, you can either leave keys with a neighbour or confirm a location where we can collect them.

Why book vacate cleaning services in Reservoir with us?

Get numerous benefits with our end of lease cleaning solutions!

  • Bond back guarantee - If you or your property manager are unsatisfied with the results within the next 72 hours, the team will return for a re-clean at no additional cost!
  • End of lease cleaning checklist approved by the real estate agents - Our cleaning team adheres to a checklist sanctioned by the agency to guarantee a thorough and sparkling clean in every corner of the house!
  • Commercial move-out cleaning - Don't hesitate to book a vacate cleaning service if you are relocating your business! The experienced cleaners specialise in commercial move-out cleaning, as well.
  • Budget-friendly rates - You'll be charged a fixed cost provided before your service initiation, with no hidden fees.
  • Fully trained professional cleaners - Your assigned team will arrive bringing a set of professional equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products necessary for the task.
  • Advanced cleaning products - Professional cleaning equipment and high-quality detergents are used in the cleaning process to ensure top-notch results.
End of lease cleaning

How does Fantastic's bond cleaning service work

The bond cleaning session is not limited in time, which means that the cleaners will stay on-site as long as needed to perfectly polish every corner of the property!

Kitchen cleaning

Our team will concentrate on cleaning all kitchen cupboards, countertops, tile splashbacks, and appliances. If applicable, please defrost the fridge well in advance. The oven will receive thorough professional cleaning, both inside and out. The sink and taps will be descaled and polished, and the floor will be vacuumed and mopped.

Bathrooms/Laundry cleaning

The experts will handle the toilet, de-lime and descale the shower area and bathtub. Following that, they'll clean and polish the sink, vanity, and surfaces. Additionally, they'll address the cupboards and polish the mirrors.

Living room and hallway cleaning

Cleaning the bedrooms

If the floors are not carpeted, they will be carefully vacuumed and mopped. All furniture pieces will be wiped clean to eliminate dust and sticky stains. Mirrors will receive a polishing, and closets will be cleaned and ventilated. Cobwebs will also be removed.

All surfaces in your living room or dining room will receive a detailed dusting and wiping. Mirrors and light fixtures will be thoroughly cleaned, carpeted areas vacuumed, and tiled floors will be mopped using a cleaning solution. Cobwebs will be dusted off, and a wipe-down of light switches will be performed.

Take your end of lease cleaning Reservoir further with these additional services

Gutter cleaning

Has it been a while since you cleaned your house gutters? No worries, Fantastic Services can also help you with that! Arrange effective cleaning for your gutters and downpipes to make sure they are clear of any blockages. We will use advanced equipment and easily unclog your gutter system of leaves and debris, which can otherwise cause water damage, fire hazards, pest infestations and in general, decrease the value of your home.

Carpet cleaning

Getting stains on a carpet is common, but removing them can be a challenge. Don't worry - Fantastic Services is here to assist! With our hot water extraction method, we assure you that your carpets and rugs will receive a comprehensive cleaning, sanitisation, and refreshing process, meeting the cleanliness standards expected by your landlord.

Outside window cleaning

Get an expert window washing service, and the team will come promptly, bringing their specialised equipment. To ensure your windows are left smear-free and sparkling, we employ a highly-effective cleaning technique, which consists of using an extension water-fed pole, operating with purified water. So, book window cleaning along with your bond cleaning service and save both time and money!

Wall spot cleaning

If you're bothered by marks on your walls and worried about meeting your landlord's expectations, consider opting for wall spot cleaning along with your vacate cleaning service. Our experienced cleaning professionals will handle the removal of all marks and stains from your walls, reviving the overall appearance of your rooms.


jobs done


homes spruced up


landlords satisfied


average job duration

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Reservoir:

3-bedroom house

Reservoir VIC Jun 08, 2024
Hi, I require bond cleaning services for my rental home in preparation for leasing. I've been living in the properties (no shoes at home until recently with prospective tenant
s visits). Have done a quick clean to get rid of dust on floor. 3 x 2 house with a theatre. Fully tiled. Windows (with venetian blind) and oven needs to be cleaned as well. Email quotes preferred as currently at work. Thanks.
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

4-bedroom property

Reservoir VIC Jan 14, 2024
I would like to ask about an vacate cleaning with carpet steam cleaning in one visit. It's a 4 bedroom property in good condition. We need the service as per the lease agreeme
nt. What will be the price?
... More

Service: EOL, Carpet cleaning

5-bedroom property

Reservoir VIC Mar 06, 2024
Hello. I need an end of lease cleaning for around the 22nd or 23rd next month. We have 4 bedrooms, plus a small flat. Let me know by email what would be the price for all. No
... More

Service: End of lease cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Reservoir cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Reservoir is $598.

On average, 42% of our customers chooses to become members of the Fantastic Club to benefit from cost savings.

Most common properties in Reservoir have 2 bedrooms.

Frequently, end of lease cleaning is reserved alongside pest-proofing services and steam carpet cleaning.

$267 $598 $765

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Reservoir bond cleaning working hours and coverage

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Reservoir VIC

Working hours

  • Monday 8am-6pm
  • Tuesday 8am-6pm
  • Wednesday 8am-6pm
  • Thursday 8am-6pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 8am-6pm
  • Sunday 8am-6pm

Postcode coverage: 3073

From our service gallery

Schedule your end of lease cleaning service in Reservoir today!