Detailed End of Lease Cleaning in Adelaide

Remove the stress from your moving and get your deposit back by trusting us with your bond back cleaning!

  • 72h bond back guarantee - FREE re-clean if needed
  • Hassle-free final property inspection
  • Easy and fast online booking process
  • Exit cleaning process following REA checklists
  • No time-limited cleaning customised for your needs
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Book a service with a few clicks!

Fill your property description and service priorities in the online form to schedule a service at a convenient time for you.

Welcome the vacate cleaning team

The cleaners will inspect your property to make sure everything is included in their checklist, and determine which areas will need the most attention.

Get your security deposit back!

When the cleaning is done, your landlord will fill a tenancy condition report stating if you're able to get your security deposit back.

The benefits of our professional exit cleaning services

It is our goal to exceed your expectations in every way!

  • Fully equipped technicians - The cleaners will come fully equipped, bringing all tools and detergents needed for the job.
  • The cleaners are trained and insured - To make sure that we give you the best service in town, they also pass an additional training course in the Fantastic Academy.
  • Not limited in time service - The end of lease cleaners will stay for as long as needed to cover all the areas included in the checklist and to make sure that your landlord is satisfied with the property’s condition.
  • Fantastic Club benefits - Our Fantastic Club members enjoy special rates, priority booking slots, and many other benefits.
  • Key pick-up upon request - In case you cannot make it to your appointment for service, we can arrange a pick-up of your keys.
  • REA end of lease cleaning checklists - To ensure every corner of the house is sparkling clean, our cleaning team follows an agency-approved sanitation checklist!
end of lease cleaning Adelaide

The steps behind the end of lease cleaning in Adelaide

The end of lease cleaning in Adelaide covers specific areas in your property that usually don't get cleaned often. The service is not time-based, that means that the team will stay on the property until everything is left sparkling clean!


The floors will be vacuumed and mopped, the oven will be left spotless inside and outside, benchtops, cupboards and shelves will be cleaned.

Living room / Common Areas

The floor will be cleaned, carpets and rugs will be vacuumed, all of the surfaces, appliances and decoration will be dust cleaned


All floors and surfaces will be cleaned, mirrors and frames will be polished. The cupboards, wardrobes, and drawers will be thoroughly cleaned.


The sink will be polished, the floor will be cleaned and mopped, the toilet, bath and shower will be sanitised. All fittings and fixtures will be polished


The floors will be vacuumed and mopped; all surfaces will be dust cleaned.

Upon request, the team can clean garages, balconies, and other extra rooms for an additional fee. To assure your top-notch vacate cleaning services, there are some things they need when they arrive on-site:

  • The property must have electricity and running water, so the cleaners can use their machines and detergents properly.
  • The property must be unfurnished and free of personal belongings.
  • There must be arranged parking close to the cleaners. This is important, particularly if we have to steam clean the carpets - the machines are really heavy.
  • If you’ve requested a freezer cleaning, you need to turn it off and empty it at least 24 hours before the service. The freezer needs to be fully defrosted to be cleaned.

Extra services to combine with your end of lease cleaning in Adelaide

Mattress cleaning

Do you think your mattresses need more attention? Fantastic Services can help you with that, too! Get your mattress cleaned professionally and have debris, dust mites, stains, and odours removed efficiently. No matter what type of mattress you have, we can clean it!

Outside window cleaning

Ensure that your property shines both inside and outside! Whenever you need expert window washing, the team will come promptly, bringing their specialised equipment. We use an industry-grade cleaning technique, which involves using an extension water-fed pole and purified water, which ensures your windows are smear-free and sparkling. Save time and money by booking window washing along with your exit cleaning.

Blinds cleaning

Your cleaning checklist must include this vital part of end of lease cleaning if you want to go beyond a standard dusting. Ensure that there are no hidden dirt spots that will hold you back from getting your bond back when it comes time to return it to your landlord.


Various repairs and maintenance can be performed around the property by a professional handyman. Both interior and exterior work can be handled by them. Professionals come prepared with all the necessary tools and equipment for the job at hand. Depending on what specific part needs to be purchased, the specialist can also do the shopping for you.

5 hours

Average job duration


People buy the Fantastic Club

9 days

Avg time booking to job

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

End of Lease cleaning quotes from Adelaide:

3 Bedroom House

Adelaide Jan 07, 2024
How much does it cost to have a home cleaned in preparation for leasing. I've been living in this properties (no shoes at home until recently with prospective tenants visits)
. Have done a quick clean to get rid of dust on floor. 3 x 2 house with a theatre. Fully tiled. Windows (with venetian blind) and oven needs to be cleaned as well. Email quotes preferred as currently at work. Thanks.
... More

Service: End of Lease

3 Bedroom House

Adelaide Jan 22, 2024
Looking for a quote for an end of lease clean and carpet clean. House is 3x2 with kitchen/living, lounge and sunroom. Carpeted areas x3 bedrooms, x14 stairs to second story, l
anding at top of stairs and short corridor from master.
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

2 Bedroom Unit

Adelaide Mar 05, 2024
We are looking for an end of lease clean between the 2nd and 4th January. This is a 2x1 unit on the second floor, can you send me a list of exactly what will be cleaned and an
ything that is not included? Do you also include carpet cleaning and then oven cleaning, and at what extra cost?
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Adelaide cost?

On average the cost for end of lease cleaning in Adelaide is $615 for a 2 bedroom property, including bonus services

Every 2 out of 3 people decided to get the Fantastic Club with their service to save money.

Carpet cleaning is the most common service booked with vacate cleaning

$316 $615 $784

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Check prices and availability in Adelaide

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Adelaide

Working hours

  • Monday 8am - 6pm
  • Tuesday 8am - 6pm
  • Wednesday 8am - 6pm
  • Thursday 8am - 6pm
  • Friday 8am - 6pm


Book Fantastic Services in Adelaide for a customised move-out clean!