Superior End of Lease Cleaning Services in Brunswick East

Allow a team of skilled vacate cleaners to guarantee the return of your bond by using proven cleaning solutions!

  • No time limit - we stay for as long as we have to!
  • 72h bond back guarantee - free re-clean!
  • High-end machines and detergents!
  • We follow detailed REA cleaning checklists!
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Book an end of lease cleaning service easily online


Book a service online

Schedule your bond cleaning service in a convenient time using the booking form, or the GOFantastic mobile app.

Meet the cleaning team

The end of lease cleaners arrive on your property, bringing all equipment and detergents needed for the service.

Get your security deposit back

Once you pass the final inspection with your landlord or leasing agency, you can get your deposit back!

The benefits of booking expert vacate cleaning service in Brunswick East with us

Fantastic Services can help you with all your rental property cleaning needs!

  • Easy booking procedures - You can contact us via phone or chat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we will give you a free quote.
  • FREE reclean guarantee - If you feel something has been missed, we offer a free re-cleaning within 72 hours of our service.
  • Unlimited in time service - The vacate cleaning service is not time-limited. The cleaning team will stay on-site until the property is left fresh and clean.
  • Fantastic Club perks - Take advantage of our special rates, credits towards future services, and many other benefits by joining the Fantastic Club.
  • Fully equipped and insured move-out cleaners - In addition to being locally based, we send professional end of lease cleaners that are experienced, equipped, and fully insured.
  • Oven cleaning included - For your convenience, we include deep oven cleaning and polishing for no extra charge.
end of lease cleaning

What to expect from your end of lease cleaning in Brunswick East

Our outstanding vacate cleaning services offer premium results at affordable rates.

Kitchen cleaning

Our professional cleaners strictly follow a comprehensive lease cleaning checklist to guarantee no areas are overlooked. They will vacuum carpeted areas and mop hard floors. Cabinets will be thoroughly cleaned inside and out, all surfaces will be polished, and the oven will receive professional cleaning.

Bathrooms cleaning

Subsequently, the experts will eradicate limescale from tapware, shower fittings, bathroom accessories, the bathtub, and the toilet bowl. They will also polish the mirror and shower cabin. A thorough cleaning of bathroom storage units, including the vanity, both inside and outside, will be carried out. Following that, the floor will be mopped using a suitable detergent.

Bedrooms cleaning

We will make sure that the property is spotless from top to bottom. All bedrooms will be vacuumed. Every shelf, light fixture, skirting board, doorknob, and furnishings will be dusted and polished. Every room's inside windows will be cleaned to make your home shine like new. The sills and frames of the windows will also be polished inside and out.

Living room and hallway cleaning

Besides vacuuming and mopping floors, the Fantastic cleaners will clean build-in cabinets, wardrobes, all windows (inside), wipe skirting boards, remove spider webs, and wipe doors, door frames, and light switches.

Your move-out cleaning session in Brunswick East can include these cleaning services!

Carpet cleaning

Carpets can accumulate significant dirt with regular use, often requiring more than just standard vacuuming to refresh them. That's where our carpet deep cleaning service comes into play! Our technicians will bring specialised equipment and employ the proven method of hot water extraction to clean your floor coverings thoroughly.


Your rental property can be fixed up and maintained by a handyman before you vacate. A complete set of equipment, as well as basic materials, such as plugs, nuts, and bolts, will be provided. If you require urgent assistance, our multi-skilled technicians can provide same-day service.

Outside window cleaning

If you already have a team of experienced cleaners on-site to prepare your rental home for vacating, why not have them clean your windows as well? With the help of a specialised extension pole that can reach up to the fourth floor, Fantastic Services delivers a first-class experience and enhances the overall look of your home.

Grout and tile cleaning

If your rental property has tile flooring throughout, perhaps consider opting for our professional tile and grout cleaning service. This is conducted by a skilled professional equipped with an advanced hard floor cleaning machine. Your landlord is bound to be truly impressed, ensuring the full return of your bond.

4 hours

average job duration


average price

2 Bedrooms

average property size

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

Vacate cleaning quotes from Brunswick East:

2 Bedroom Unit

Brunswick East May 23, 2024
Need bond cleaning for 2 bedroom place with carpets. Have a balcony also. Can you offer weekend hours? How much does professional end of lease cleaning cost? Send a quote by e
-mail, please. Thank you!
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

3 Bedroom House

Brunswick East Feb 10, 2024
Looking to gather quotes on getting our appt cleaned for an end of lease. House is in great condition but we are just looking to ensure full bond return. House is 3 Bedroom
(Carpet) 2 Bathroom (tiled) and 1 living space. Other than the bedrooms, the rest of the house is polished floor boards. We have a balcony / outdoor area but we are happy to look after this ourselves.
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet and wall spot cleaning

2 Bedroom Unit

Brunswick East Feb 17, 2024
Need a 2 bedroom cleaned for a bond back. Has two carpets in the bedrooms. It's in 3057. All is in good condition in general, some light stains on the carpet in one of the bed
rooms. Thank you.
... More

Service: End of lease, carpet cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Brunswick East cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning service is $558, which includes carpet cleaning too

On average every second client booked the Fantastic Club to save money

Average duration of a move out cleaning in Brunswick East is 4 hours and 20 minutes

$305 $588 $707

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Check prices and availability in Brunswick East

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Brunswick East

Working hours

  • Monday 8am - 6pm
  • Tuesday 8am - 6pm
  • Wednesday 8am - 6pm
  • Thursday 8am - 6pm
  • Friday 8am - 6pm
  • Saturday 8am - 6pm
  • Sunday 8am - 6pm

Postcode coverage: 3057

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