Professional End of Lease Cleaning in Sunshine Coast

Trust the professional local cleaners with your bond cleaning needs!

  • Bond back guarantee - FREE re-clean in the next 72h
  • Service unlimited in time - we stay for as long as we have to
  • Up to $40 off for Fantastic Club members
  • Availability on weekends or public holidays
Enter your postcode

Schedule your cleaning appointment

Fill in your property details in our online booking form or call us to describe the condition of the property and book the service at a convenient date and time.

Greet the professional cleaners

The cleaning team will arrive on time at your property, prepared to clean everything.

Get your security deposit back

After the cleaning, your landlord will do a final inspection of the property and will return your bond back.

What are the property requirements for the move-out cleaning?

All cleaning teams we work with are professionally trained and have the necessary certificates and years of experience. This is why you can be completely sure that they will leave every area in your house sparkling clean. However, in order to do so, we have some property requirements:

  • There must be running water and electricity in the property - so the cleaners can use their professional machines and detergents.
  • The property must be free of personal belongings and unfurnished.
  • There must be parking close to the property - the cleaners carry heavy machines and tools to perform the service.
  • If you’ve requested a fridge or freezer cleaning together with your exit cleaning, you need to turn the appliance off at least 24h prior to the service. The freezer must be fully defrosted in order to be cleaned.
Expert end of lease cleaning in Sunshine Coast

What to expect from our end of lease cleaning in Sunshine Coast

The cleaning team will arrive promptly at your door, fully equipped, bringing all the tools and detergents needed for the job. They will inspect your property to see if everything that needs cleaning is included in the checklist.


The professional cleaners will start by cleaning the kitchen. They will clean the floors accordingly to the floor material. The oven will be deep cleaned in & out. The stovetop, range hood, and splashback will be cleaned too. All of the cupboards will be wiped and polished inside and outside. The sink and taps will be polished. The floors will be vacuumed and mopped.


Bathrooms, toilets, and laundry rooms will receive special attention. Our team of experts will use special descaling detergents to remove any hard-to-remove limescale or mould buildup from the sink, faucets, bathtub, shower cabin, and fittings, as well as the mirror and toilet.


Your vacate cleaners will vacuum and mop the floors, dust all surfaces, clean the inside and outside of wardrobes and drawers, and wipe all doors, doorframes, knobs, and light switches. They will clean skirting boards and will remove all cobwebs.

Living areas

Hallways and common areas will be cleaned, including skirting boards, internal windows, tracks and sills, doors, light switches, and door handles. The walls and blinds will be dusted. All of the surfaces will be wiped and polished.

The end of lease cleaners will stay for as long as it’s needed to cover all the areas included in the checklist. We will make sure that your landlord/real estate agent is satisfied with the condition of the property.

Fantastic cleaning services in Sunshine Coast that you can add

Mattress cleaning

Are your mattresses in need of more attention? Fantastic Services can help with that! Our professional mattress cleaning service will effectively remove all debris, dust mites, stains, and odours from your bed pieces. It doesn't matter what type or size of mattress you have, we can clean it!

Window cleaning

With our eco-friendly yet highly effective window cleaning solutions, we can transform the exterior of your rental unit and improve its curb appeal. In addition to your move-out cleaning checklist, we can wash your windows on the inside, too. No matter what your cleaning needs are, we can meet them expertly and effectively.

Upholstery cleaning

The hot water extraction method we use is suitable for cleaning any type of soft furniture, such as couches and chairs. An effective cleaning product is injected into the fabric after the item has been vacuumed thoroughly, along with hot water and a powerful cleaning solution. After this, the soiled mixture is extracted, leaving the furniture clean, fresh, lightly moist, clean and refreshed in a short period of time.

Wall spot cleaning

Are you worried that your landlord will give you trouble because of the marks on your walls? Why not combine your bond cleaning with wall spot cleaning? Cleaning specialists will ensure all marks and stains are removed, and your rooms are restored to their original appearance. In the end, you'll have clean walls and a happy landlord.

What makes Fantastic Services in Sunshine Coast the right choice for you?

Our move out cleaning service in Sunshine Coast comes with a number of perks!

  • REA end of lease cleaning checklists - In order to ensure a sparkling clean house, the cleaning crew follows an agency-approved sanitation checklist!
  • Premium deals for Fantastic Club members - The Fantastic Club offers special rates, priority booking slots, and many other benefits only available to members.
  • Fully equipped team of professionals - A team of highly trained and qualified cleaners with years of industry experience will perform your exit cleaning.
  • Safe, eco-friendly cleaning methods - The cleaning methods we use are always eco-friendly, using chemical-free detergents.
  • Bond back guaranteed - To give you extra peace of mind, we offer a 72-hour bond back guarantee. We would be glad to assist you if you encounter any issues.
  • Affordable prices - A free, no-obligation quote will be provided based on the layout of your property, with no hidden charges.
5h 05 min

Average Job Duration


Average Job Cost


landlords satisfied

You can become a member of the Fantastic Club today and take advantage of all the amazing benefits that come with it, including discounted rates and special offers. Learn more

3 Bedroom House

Sunshine Coast Jan 12, 2024
Vacant house. Two story. 3bed 2 bath.
(Big kitchen, 2 Dining rooms, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Study room, Hallway, Stairs, Laundry room, Garage, 7 Carpets)

Service: End of Lease Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning, Window Cleaning

1 Bedroom Property

Sunshine Coast Feb 27, 2024
Hi, I am moving out of my unit - it has a single bedroom, a small study and there are also two very small carpets that need cleaning. Can you give a quote for end of lease cle
... More

Service: End Of Lease Cleaning

4 Bedroom Property

Sunshine Coast Jul 16, 2024
4 Bed - 2 Bath - 4 Bed carpet
Garage - Patio Blinds
(Big kitchen, Lounge, 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Laundry, Garage, Hallway, 4 Carpets)

Service: End of Lease Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning

How much does end of lease cleaning in Sunshine Coast cost?

The average price for end of lease cleaning in Sunshine Coast is $612.

The most common cleaning duration is 5h 05 min.

Most people combine end of lease cleaning with steam carpet cleaning.

The majority of tenants booking bond cleaning are moving out from 4 bedrooms properties.

$270 $612 $935

*Data has been extracted from our internal database for the past 12 months

Check prices and availability in Sunshine Coast

Local line: 1300 233 268

Local office: Sunshine Coast

Working hours

  • Monday 8am - 6pm
  • Tuesday 8am - 6pm
  • Wednesday 8am - 6pm
  • Thursday 8am - 6pm
  • Friday 8am - 6pm
  • Saturday 8am - 6pm
  • Sunday 8am - 6pm


Book detailed end of lease cleaning for a stress-free moving out!